The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
page 136 on the 28th of october 2009 was when i first posted on this thread......ahhhh the getting all misty eyed......its because every time i think of you lot it makes me weep............3 fuckin years and i still dont like any of you expecting a fucking anniversary card btw.


Well-Known Member
Pukka this is just a thought but click the start button and type in system restore. See if theres any dates for a few days ago. It might not work but its worth a try

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Lol, ya'll a bunch of dozy cunts with regard to robbies seeds Was seemingly clear that he was selling bought packs, hence th talk of growing out all the strains let alone the ten of each etc. Hehe, stoners :D

Fog meant an evening of no bookings, early finish :) Just been readon about the guy who got 4 months in ail for wearing an offensive t-shirt. I couldn't give two shits if those two coppers got killed, who cares, they're police officers, being killed should surely be in their contract somewhere, why do we take it like something stupid terrible has happened, they are cops, dealing with baddies, shit will go down here and there, deal with it. And personally, i agree, two coppers less, justice, how many people have been killed by cops for no real reason and told us all to go get fucked. They cause the london riots and then blame us, sure i don't agree with the pointless looting, but they're a bunch of fuckers, they deserve everything they get :)


Well-Known Member
Lol, ya'll a bunch of dozy cunts with regard to robbies seeds Was seemingly clear that he was selling bought packs, hence th talk of growing out all the strains let alone the ten of each etc. Hehe, stoners :D

Fog meant an evening of no bookings, early finish :) Just been readon about the guy who got 4 months in ail for wearing an offensive t-shirt. I couldn't give two shits if those two coppers got killed, who cares, they're police officers, being killed should surely be in their contract somewhere, why do we take it like something stupid terrible has happened, they are cops, dealing with baddies, shit will go down here and there, deal with it. And personally, i agree, two coppers less, justice, how many people have been killed by cops for no real reason and told us all to go get fucked. They cause the london riots and then blame us, sure i don't agree with the pointless looting, but they're a bunch of fuckers, they deserve everything they get :)
lol you here about the lad got 12 weeks for posting april fools day on facebook? or the lad got 4 yrs for lets riot??
wtf happened to free speech

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Yup, utter joke. Apparently "let's riot" get's jail time while "let's goto war with everyone with a nationalized banking system" is apparently a good thing.


Well-Known Member
them Scottish lad that got 2 years for their facebook post have been released and with some comp in their pocket. They done 4 months for typing on a keyboard. Absolute nonsense. They settled on 18.5k each.....their lawyer advised going public and go to trial but they wanted to settle. My lawyer, sorry theirs wanted to make a name for himself. He's actively seeking people being prosecuted on the internet for their alleged typing on a keyboard. Reckons it's the next ambulance chasers

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Disclaimers do sweet fuck all and offer zero protection ;) Like the one on this forum about content being used for legal purposes. It isn't worth the few bit required to store the text.

Got any links to that story Billy lad?

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
lad?LAD? how very lower class of you.. ur ansetors would be ashamed!!pmpl
The ancestors that are still around, one of em was a school janitor in darkest Wales, the other is a doctor who studied potatoes in Yorkshire And the Yorkshire one is paying for my security deposit once i find myself a house because of how proud he is of me :p

And pity about that billy, i'd have settled myself i think, but no chance in hell they'd get me to sign an NDA, I'd tell them to go fuck themselves, what happenes in my life is my business and i can tell it to whomever i like :)