The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
u get a paki call centre? ahaha[/QUOTE]

Kinda, i got 23 different ppl over 1hr 20mins from philippines, india, pakistan, england, malaysia etc an out of the 23 only 2 cld speak passable english


Well-Known Member
Kinda, i got 23 different ppl over 1hr 20mins from philippines, india, pakistan, england, malaysia etc an out of the 23 only 2 cld speak passable english
and they stil never fixed it?[/QUOTE]

Nope as im not a customer they pretty much refused to deal with me so i put complaints into both OFCOM and Trading standards lol


Well-Known Member
that's what i tell my missus, if the worst happens say NOWT.

few snaps for this ghost town...

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Very tasty don, whats this 7nbit wks now, how long you going with her?.
Im sitting here still choppin, house stinks to high heaven, got joss sticks burning all over the place and ive run out of bread so cant make a sarnie. Getting hungry but cant go out stinking like this, might look into paper suits.


Well-Known Member
Very tasty don, whats this 7nbit wks now, how long you going with her?.
Im sitting here still choppin, house stinks to high heaven, got joss sticks burning all over the place and ive run out of bread so cant make a sarnie. Getting hungry but cant go out stinking like this, might look into paper suits.
If you ever need a hand trimming jus gimme a shout mate, often bored with nothing to do n not too far from ya lol

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
it's 9 weeks on friday jimmy lad, still not decided if i'll chop her before i go to the cup or when i get back. it's lairy strong now so not sure might do a bit of both. trichs are looking a bit milky. if i leave it 10 weeks i'll be in a coma till crimbo. have to leave the missus to either water them or manage the drying/jarring up. not sure i want her doing the latter. ah fuck man i dunno, see how they look friday i guess.

have yerself a quick rub down with some olive oil that'll take the smell off and leave you with a nice greasy sheen lol


Well-Known Member
jimmy lad, did wat u said,, made a fresh res with ripen and halof strength a,b,boost, ther getting dence mate one has a huge cola growing out the bottom but its drooped out the pot lol il have to tie it up later,, noticed couple of brown hairs too,, so im thinking the PE will be ready same time as the EXO,, conveniant,, i resisted the temtatation to cut a bud of anddry it too,, grr


Well-Known Member
If you ever need a hand trimming jus gimme a shout mate, often bored with nothing to do n not too far from ya lol
Now ya tell me sae after im near done lol. I was gonna leave some and do them on the weekend but the wifes got her cous staying ffs so ive been on a mission mate lol. Up till late choppin like a loon and been on it all morning and ive more less cracked by end of day. Fucking forgot you were just over rd sort off lol.

it's 9 weeks on friday jimmy lad, still not decided if i'll chop her before i go to the cup or when i get back. it's lairy strong now so not sure might do a bit of both. trichs are looking a bit milky. if i leave it 10 weeks i'll be in a coma till crimbo. have to leave the missus to either water them or manage the drying/jarring up. not sure i want her doing the latter. ah fuck man i dunno, see how they look friday i guess. have yerself a quick rub down with some olive oil that'll take the smell off and leave you with a nice greasy sheen lol
Oh im a week behind lol, thought you were comming up 8, Id get her indoors to do the watering as well, fuck let mine do the dry and jar. No olive oil although i have a bottle of crsipndry dunno if that works lol, found some cookies so ill be good till she gets in then she can go to maccys ds for me lol.


Well-Known Member
jimmy lad, did wat u said,, made a fresh res with ripen and halof strength a,b,boost, ther getting dence mate one has a huge cola growing out the bottom but its drooped out the pot lol il have to tie it up later,, noticed couple of brown hairs too,, so im thinking the PE will be ready same time as the EXO,, conveniant,, i resisted the temtatation to cut a bud of anddry it too,, grr
Just watch the PE, she has a tendancy for a bit of mould if the buds are real heavy n dense. Its nothing major ive had it in a few plants from different crops but my humidity is always around 50% so bit high, but i dont see it in other strains often so im saying its her lol.


Well-Known Member
Just watch the PE, she has a tendancy for a bit of mould if the buds are real heavy n dense. Its nothing major ive had it in a few plants from different crops but my humidity is always around 50% so bit high, but i dont see it in other strains often so im saying its her lol.
yeh shes getting solid as fuk m8,, my room humidty is normally about 40% id have to get my humidty thing in ther, all white hairs so cant pull her yet lol


Well-Known Member
50rh to high for drying...oops! What's it ment to be?
During flower i like to keep it below 50% especialy when they are packing on the weight 40 is the target but anything below 50 lowers your chances of mould. The PE buds are real chunky fuckers and im thinking its the humidity is a bit high for them. Only seen a bit of mould on a few which aint bad but id like it lower, so ill need to sort that.


Well-Known Member
yeh shes getting solid as fuk m8,, my room humidty is normally about 40% id have to get my humidty thing in ther, all white hairs so cant pull her yet lol
40s good mate, just watch her tho, if you start to see leaves dying back check the buds out asap. Doesnt happin alot of the time with her but ive noticed the last few times there seems to be one with a little amount.


Well-Known Member
i use it and it says to use for the last 10 days its 6ml per L. it says not to give them other nutes
week 7 is when i start giving it to them, week 5 is when i start giving them pk


Well-Known Member
i use it and it says to use for the last 10 days i think its 8ml per L, ill check later and tell you if its any different. it says not to give them other nutes
I used it the other night, it says 5ml per ltr, there's also a wee chart thing on it that I couldn't really understand lol. Not long going thru it in hydro systems with big res's, not than dear anyway

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
Think its 5-6ml and every other feed with water inbetween. I know I've burnt mine afore feeding every go. does improve taste but I'm near sure its a flush n sweetener.


Well-Known Member
i use it and it says to use for the last 10 days i think its 8ml per L, ill check later and tell you if its any different. it says not to give them other nutes
Cant see anything on mine except it says its a late flowering nute, so its not a flushing agent then going by that. Cant see where it says cant be used with other nutes on mine tho mrt wheres that, i might need glasses tho:?