The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
quick question on ph'ing coz ahm no too sussed on it, am i better launching my food mix thats been sitting for 2 days, its canna a+b with pk13/14, its ph has dropped to 4.8, or should i use a drop of ph up?


Well-Known Member
I would chuck it mate and use fresh.
kinda though that, i only ever make up a 10 litre mix at a time so its not like ahm losing much anyway. plants are lookin well, the look as if theyre on week 6 but its only week 4, putting on good weight. this is my first real clued up coco grow. i mite even post sum pics up....and thats a fuckin rare event.


Well-Known Member
How many Coco run's have you done cos I know you were in soil for as far back as......

ive currently got 2 seperate grows of 7 on the go....i did a run of 6 the last time but my harvest was crap, i'd been treating it like soil and only feeding when it was bone dry, maybe every 3rd or 4th days, yeilded just over an oz a plant, worst result ive ever had. i did a cpl of dwc runs late last year/earlier this year but coz i wasnt ph'ing it wasnt particularly great either....i was a confirmed soil guy like you said and im more clued up on that than anything else but everybody was raving about coco so i thought fucki it ahll have a shot of that. i'll probably continue coco until ive got a good system worked out.


Well-Known Member
i feed mine evryday now, coco is essentially hydro so u need to feed more, i used to feed like you,wen they needed it, but since i done everyday ive really seen a diffrence :)


Well-Known Member
im feeding about a litre every day, sumtimes every 2nd, my 12/12 from seed/rooted clone grow ones are in 7litre pots, the others are in 12 or 15 litre pots. they only get fed every 2nd or 3rd day. low temp issues mean growth and feeding uptakes a bit slower, its ok but no where near as good as my seed/clone grow.


Well-Known Member
i water till theres run off, a litre is just about the average, the 2 biggest ones are thirstier than that , round about the 2 litre mark before run off.......btw is flushing really neede to shift the salt build up? i never really bothered in soil unless i had problem tbh.

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
Flushing should all ways be a last resort imo.

If you water till you get plenty run off, 30% or so and allways keep some moisture in the pot it should be fine, as coco drys faster than soil and more evenly it will salt up faster if you are aware of this then you just adjust your regime to avoid problems.

I don't flush for harvest, I just feed plain water the last week.


Well-Known Member
im using the cana a+b as base nutes and each feed i add either pk 13/14 or some old ionics hydro boost or some of that shooting powder, seems to be doing the trick , mite try that ripen stuff next time round though.

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
That shooting powder is ok, I think it's made from the same salt I use. It's one half of PK 13/14 too, lol.

What week did you get your PH in order?


Well-Known Member
last week for the ph tester and stuff but after testing it would seem my ph was pretty good tap water is 7 and after i add my nutes it dropped to a around 6.2 and im pretty sure if i leave it till the water hits a decent temp it'll come in around tap water is easily some of the best in the world. every time i come down to england i break into spots coz of the water. and the stuff in london is fuckin undrinkable.


Well-Known Member
o dont water till run of i give them a litre a day and none runs out the sides now ive sussed how to feed em without water fucking out the pot everyware,
this grow needs to hurry the fuk up im getting impatient


Well-Known Member
Get some pics up mate. let's have a butchers...
it'll have to be later in the week, my bird took the bloody data card out the camera to transfer some pics. i'll get some of both grows, one grow is about 6 weeks in and due chpped about the beggining if december, the other one about 2 weeks later.

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
Does that not mean your not flushing the salts out?
Flushing what salt's out? Folk have to change their perspective on things, salt doesn't build up unless your medium dry's out or you've chronically over fed.

If your nutrients are water soluble then they don't form solids again until the moisture has evaporated.

I actually have even less chance of this happening because I feed strong, efficient nutes in minimal amounts.


Well-Known Member
im trying full strength nutes till chop day on some of these. i didnt find any difference from the bud ive chopped off before i flushed to the finished flushed stuff. see if it makes any difference when i got a side by side to compare it tidy. i can get a few other peoples opinions too