The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
This is ridiculous lol. How many posts?!! Come from UK420 and still getting to grips with this site.Cheers.
i got banned from uk420 about 18 months ago. all these fuckin mincy cunts taking absolute bollocks about 'medical' this 'pain relief' that.....i got fuckin well pissed off and told them they were talkin shite, just admit you like being stoned and makin money and dont try to justify it with some morally acceptable fairy tale....fuckin wankers. dont get me wrong im well aware that many people do take it for pain relief but come on!!! your lucky if it its 0.1% of the total of all the fuckers out there smoking, christ ive dealt for years and none of my punters came limping in the house.

Chester Copperpot

Well-Known Member
christ ive dealt for years and none of my punters came limping in the house.

Not even the ones that worn their jeans round their knees and the oversized baseball caps?

There's a few round here like that and they all seem to limp for some bizarre reason. If they ain't limping they're cycling round on some shitty push bike that clearly needs the chain oiling, a ten bag in their pocket and with their phone in one hand playing what sounds like they're own recorded farts.

They're the proper wankers. Why not just go about their business in a quiet manner that doesn't draw attention.


Well-Known Member
Not even the ones that worn their jeans round their knees and the oversized baseball caps?There's a few round here like that and they all seem to limp for some bizarre reason. If they ain't limping they're cycling round on some shitty push bike that clearly needs the chain oiling, a ten bag in their pocket and with their phone in one hand playing what sounds like they're own recorded farts.They're the proper wankers. Why not just go about their business in a quiet manner that doesn't draw attention.
totally agree, sum fuckers would be as well handing themselves in to the cops and save the fuckin hassle. theres a guy around my area i know , and i got told he had some gear for sale so i gives him a bell to arrange a meet, we agrees on a quiet(ish) car park and i turns up early( always like to scope the ground first in case sum fucker decides to play funny buggers) he turns up 15 mins later screaming into the carpark in a bright purple corsa, out of proportion bodykit witha 6" exhaust, techno nose bleed fuckin shaking the car, screeches to a halt and jumps out lookin like fuckin ali-g.....i just put my face in my hands. that was the last time i ever went near the cunt......its just fuckin frightening the sheer level of stupidity sum people achieve.


Well-Known Member
lo0l yeh thers sum folks up here like that fucking mroons wondering why ther on a conspiricy charge!! lol i like to keep anything on the low,, dont sell on my estate, dont deal with anyone on my estate,, to many snitches pulling my PE tomorrow/saturday would be today but i wanna feed water on its own for a day or 3 My wife opened the fridge this morning and said, "Dave, where have the eggs gone?" "I gave them to our new Muslim neighbour last night," I replied, "I wanted him to know how welcome he was." "All twenty four of them?" she asked. I said , "Yeah, take a look at his windows." "


Well-Known Member
sup all >>>>>>@PUKKA, tried pm'ing ya, but says inbox is full, i germed 2 of the gk x exo, they going well (4th node set), just wondering if anyone else has grown these out?


Well-Known Member
sup all >>>>>>@PUKKA, tried pm'ing ya, but says inbox is full, i germed 2 of the gk x exo, they going well (4th node set), just wondering if anyone else has grown these out?
Nope, not as yet. Just babies atm, got most of pukkas and ttt on the go, 30 odd sprouts so hope i get a keeper or two.


Well-Known Member
i only have 4 of the gk x exo, and only done 2 for now, both very similar in looks / growth, so i either got 2 girls (crosses fingers) or 2 males. i guess the chance of me getting a keeper is slim, but ya never know, some of my best grows were from buying single seeds (feminised) so maybe i wont get the best pheno out there, but it just feels good getting on the exodus bus tbh, aint ever tried it, just seen you lot on about it and thought i wanna see what all this fuss is about :)


Well-Known Member
Thats what i germed a few weeks back, so one of these better be worth running again lol. We'll see what happens, was gonna keep the best males for some pollen chucking but dont think im gonna have time for all that now so this is just a hunt for a keeper.:-P

5 x Grape Krush x Livers
5 x Grape Krush x Exo
6 x Black Rose x Exo
10 x Black Rose x Romulan
5 x Black rose x Psycosis


Well-Known Member
Had cheddar not got a few of them on the go, he had a few different ones last time I heard
Chedz flowered the gk x livers I think? Looked really good the pics he put up, but looks like he's either having the hols to end all hols lol or has problems.

But the buds in the pics looked big and nice and pretty shore it was the gk x livers.


Well-Known Member
Chedz flowered the gk x livers I think? Looked really good the pics he put up, but looks like he's either having the hols to end all hols lol or has problems.But the buds in the pics looked big and nice and pretty shore it was the gk x livers.
Yeah ur right m8, just had a wee look at his thread there, a few nice bud pics in there


Well-Known Member
just spent a ton in iceland :( fucking place, too many nice things to buy,.lol easy jimmy u checked the pic of my pe out m8,, im damn sure its done sweet as fuk smell makes ur finger stick togther day 54 im at,, was thinking of 2 days water then pull


Well-Known Member
Yeah i take her anywhere from now really ic3, ive been choppin for days on end mate so your turn now. Looking nice there mate, smells nice eh lol, me house has been reeking of pe for a week now.


Well-Known Member
Yeah i take her anywhere from now really ic3, ive been choppin for days on end mate so your turn now. Looking nice there mate, smells nice eh lol, me house has been reeking of pe for a week now.
lol yeh the house stinks in the AM, fukin sickly sweet syrupy smell, lol mg yeh i was thinking coz i gave em a few days ripen id have to flush for a day or 2,, u think not?,, oh jimmy that was day 49 u can see teh surface of the bud and eevrything now crstally fruity colour so ur thinking just pul the bitch>? so cut all bif fan leaves of and hang her up in my box in the attick.. glad its only 1 but then the exo aint far away thats 5 to trim ffs u haeard out of chedz yet jimmy?


Well-Known Member
I pull them down when suits me sorta thing, u could pull it or leave it m8, whatever suits but ones always a head start. I can see some people's point on flushing if doin it proper like a week or something but 2 days won't make a difference IMO