The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
cheers for the info mate i don't feel so daunted by it now i can replace your roof but can't use the cooker lol
i only got a couple of grams left i'm hoping it lasts 2mo or at least til the butter sets, i,ve been smoking from am to pm and in work from the first ,not good, but i haven't been able to help myself it been ages since i had a load no choice now though the last of it'll be gone 2mo and then as they say thats that lol
im with ya there m8 i need to stop ive already smoked nearly 300 worth and that just cash i could have spent better.

and it just take more m more to get stoned whena on a binge.


Well-Known Member
cheers for the info mate i don't feel so daunted by it now i can replace your roof but can't use the cooker lol
i only got a couple of grams left i'm hoping it lasts 2mo or at least til the butter sets, i,ve been smoking from am to pm and in work from the first ,not good, but i haven't been able to help myself it been ages since i had a load no choice now though the last of it'll be gone 2mo and then as they say thats that lol
dont beat yaself up mate ive done it loads of time when u aint ad a decent smokwe for a while then omf its everywhere n all urs lol i wouldnt av been able to resist if it was mine m8.


Active Member
I should be like those asian chicks that walk on your back... I'm getting pretty good at that shit with the amount of times I have to step on hubby :)

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
i'll ready all yyoureat banter alter, i'm fooked off my tits on work dunffeded driunk! yay for staff leaving, free boozze,. aited 2 hours for 1 burger, they had the wrong thing, i told them to fook off and bring me the right thing, they just voided it off the whole thing and said fuck you, all 25 of us eventually ate and then refused to pay a penny. fucking cunts. literally 2 chefs and 1 waiting staff to cater for 100 people/. i could manage that place better. so now i'm fucked with a boss given aligbuieiee for ebing drunk and hungover tomorrow at work )

i actuially came here to say somehting, i've forgottten. bah.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
i remember. i went into sainsbury's chemist and asked for high percentage rubbigb alcohol. they ahd no idea what i was talking about. startied asking about whether it was for emdical. i told the doctor yes, i need to clean my bong. he was imediately helpfiul in directing me to a stoorads that sold it :D

mr west

Well-Known Member
in the uk they call it surgical spirits lol and any chemists will have it for less than 2 quid mate. I think they doint call it rubbing alcahol cuz the winos drink it lol

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
ah, surgical spirit, i'll ask for that in future :lol: i did get a bit of alook when i asked for 95% alcohol :P

god i feel like a bag of shit today. i finnished off my evening raving with vodka red bulls, i never got to sleep toog oood. got hom and had to jimmy my way into my bedroom with a knife, got the wrong door though and barged in on my flatmate and his bird haha. i've been lying on the floor underneath my desk at work all day. i could murder a joint a bath and a big long sleep. i'd love to be able to sleep in the bath but i'd just drown :P


Well-Known Member
I added my friend Jamal as a neighbour on Farmville yesterday.

I logged on this morning to find that all my chickens had been stolen and he'd opened up a KFC.


Well-Known Member
I was shagging the wife last night when out of the blue she stuck her finger up my arse. I won't lie , it wasn't unpleasant.

Until I realised that the dog was in the room and my wife was handcuffed.


Well-Known Member
My wife complained that I'm too old fashioned.

"Nonsense", I said, "Now get thee gone, wench, back to the skullery from wherest thou came and cease thoust chatter o'er much ado about nothing".

Brazen harlet.


Well-Known Member
My wife called me a 'Stingy bastard' for giving her flowers for our 10 year anniversary, so I put the flowers back in the neighbour's garden,took her purse and went to the pub.


Well-Known Member
I went camping last week, and when i got outside my tent in there was a bear walking about looking for food.
Now i heard that when you see a bear you're supposed to play dead
Anyway long story short, the bear was a necrophiliac


Well-Known Member
hey dura....

if you went camping and woke up with an open can of Vaseline and a franger sticking out your ass, would you tell anybody????????

if the answers no
would you like to go camping sometime?? LMFAO


Active Member
in the uk they call it surgical spirits lol and any chemists will have it for less than 2 quid mate. I think they doint call it rubbing alcahol cuz the winos drink it lol
Ooo good to know. It's hard for me sometimes finding things I want, so many things look and are named different but are the exact same things as I'm used to, or very similar. Like the whole mollasses/treacle thing