The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member

Here's a few of the psycho. Don u probly know the psycho as well as most m8. I let them get too big last time and light wasn't gettin to the bottom as well as I'd have liked, so this time in goina flower them sooner, was thinkin a few days from now. I've never really flowered plants so short and always end up with massive fuckers, so what do you think? Would that be too soon/short, what would you do? I need at least two of each but hopin for three


Well-Known Member
View attachment 2471214

Here's a few of the psycho. Don u probly know the psycho as well as most m8. I let them get too big last time and light wasn't gettin to the bottom as well as I'd have liked, so this time in goina flower them sooner, was thinkin a few days from now. I've never really flowered plants so short and always end up with massive fuckers, so what do you think? Would that be too soon/short, what would you do? I need at least two of each but hopin for three
id flower nor mater, ther looking nice an bushy and ready, GET THAT LIGHT DOWN,, i can have mine about 3 inches above, but ur in a wilma so no matter how u swing it your endign up with triffids, i dont know why u dont fuk the sytem part of and justwater by hand in coco or rockwool, i thkink its the auto shit that makes the wilma make triffids, water by hand fuk the pump nshit

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
diwowo wowow wowow slow down fella,, i said MOST and did i say anything to do with u??? damn my man u have sum insecurtities lmao
no insecurities man, i just hate mackems with a passion, not most of them, fucking all of them. don't make me go caps lock here! most mackems no no. ALL mackems are knobs.

monkey headed unwashed divvies the lot of them.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
View attachment 2471214

Here's a few of the psycho. Don u probly know the psycho as well as most m8. I let them get too big last time and light wasn't gettin to the bottom as well as I'd have liked, so this time in goina flower them sooner, was thinkin a few days from now. I've never really flowered plants so short and always end up with massive fuckers, so what do you think? Would that be too soon/short, what would you do? I need at least two of each but hopin for three

you could go now for sure. have you topped them? looks like it. if that was just recent i'd give them a chance to recover, if they've already got plenty shoots then go for it. all depends on the max height. you'll get more green out of bigger plants obv.


Well-Known Member
id flower nor mater, ther looking nice an bushy and ready, GET THAT LIGHT DOWN,, i can have mine about 3 inches above, but ur in a wilma so no matter how u swing it your endign up with triffids, i dont know why u dont fuk the sytem part of and justwater by hand in coco or rockwool, i thkink its the auto shit that makes the wilma make triffids, water by hand fuk the pump nshit
The light can't go any further at the min, but there is 3 600s in there so there gettin plenty. I was goina give coco a go in the wilma but just haven't got round to it yet lol. And as for the dripper system, that's why I grow in wilmas, a lot of the time in away for a week or two so I can't water by hand. If its two weeks I get someone to top up after a week and that sorts them till I'm back


Well-Known Member
Isn't a mackem from sunderland? Couldn't call a geordie much worse ice if so lol

And that guide to plugging ice was sick, u need serious help m8 lol


Well-Known Member
you could go now for sure. have you topped them? looks like it. if that was just recent i'd give them a chance to recover, if they've already got plenty shoots then go for it. all depends on the max height. you'll get more green out of bigger plants obv.
So think ill give them another couple of days, but if they get much bigger ill switch them before then. No m8, they ain't been topped. They been in there bout 6 days now I think so should have good roots on em

the last time the psychos yeilder me over four per plant. But they were bout 5 foot or more and if had just of had the top half or third of them I'd have been happy, the rest was a bastard to trim and wasn't as good a bud as the rest. I'd say if of the top third of them I got about 3 and an ounce of the rest lol, must have been the lack of light down there


Well-Known Member
3 x 600's for 9 plants fuckin ell man. aye flip em
i was just thinking that fuck me thats sum light,, u could loose one and stil get bangin yeilds, shit i bet thats sum electric bill on the old key metre lmao

so don what would u say i hear topping a clone is not very good compared to topping from bean? is that rite? secondly do the physco do well with being topped or no? is fimming the way with these?

if thats the case master y not moove one of your lights to the side? 3 is way overkill for so few plants, id hacve 2 over top and 1 at the side move it around each week or spin the pots,,


Well-Known Member
i was just thinking that fuck me thats sum light,, u could loose one and stil get bangin yeilds, shit i bet thats sum electric bill on the old key metre lmao

so don what would u say i hear topping a clone is not very good compared to topping from bean? is that rite? secondly do the physco do well with being topped or no? is fimming the way with these?

if thats the case master y not moove one of your lights to the side? 3 is way overkill for so few plants, id hacve 2 over top and 1 at the side move it around each week or spin the pots,,
The sooner I get to 12/12 the better well say lol


Well-Known Member
16 psycho's lol sounds like a film ;)

i'd probably give them another week or so
Think mine wer bout three times that size last time before switch. But wana deal with smaller tidy plants this time, fed up with fuckin trees. Fridays goina be switch time I reckon. Who know they still might end up massive fuckers, well see. 16 psychos sounds like a good film too, got a link for that ic3 lol


Well-Known Member
macams are the only people in britain who's accent i cant understand......sound like retarded geordies on speed to my ear.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
weeees keeeeyes are theeese keeeyes. and spicey caaake. poor fuckers.



it's all about the prep if your'e not wanting trees, you need to be LST'ing and supercropping the branches out. lollipop the bottoms 1/3 of the plants.