The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
@ice , haven't been up that way for over 35 years !, have you stopped caving heeds in now ? Lol
happened in jail m8, we went to a out of area jail, i always sell backi n shit wen i go in ,, anwyays long sotyr short got sik of caryring the lad so got him moved out gave him 4 ounce to be nice and on collection day i went round colelcted wat was owed, then in soshe him and his pal came thinking they could tax me,, i turned round and all ov a sudden had a nrly full sunpat peanut butter jar in my hand,, i pushed my cell door locked and jumped into his face,thinking gotta knock him out in 1,, he went down as he did gave him few uppercuts with it,, his mate shit himself started screaming, screws cam dragged him out locked me in and THEN he starts getting mardy LOL little fag


Well-Known Member
looks lovely that yorkie. cherry stink? looks an easy trim too
cherry,,, only in colour, dont taste or smel like cherry.... why do they give them these names,, like the pineapple express,, not thing pieappe about it?
i reckn they must have been eating sum smelly cherrys at the time of pollenation and just thought,,meh! lets cal it that,

or is that just me being a div?
and don u stil aint aswered my question


Well-Known Member
Lots of strains smell lovely just before n during chop weather it holds that smell on just a dry??? N don't need a 4-8wk cure to then bring any smell back out lol

Ice you big rough tough prison bod who just so happens to like a large object or 3 up the arse lol what's your opinion on sons of anarcy? Ne good?

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
cherry,,, only in colour, dont taste or smel like cherry.... why do they give them these names,, like the pineapple express,, not thing pieappe about it?
i reckn they must have been eating sum smelly cherrys at the time of pollenation and just thought,,meh! lets cal it that
It's called 'Smelly Fingerez'.


Well-Known Member
I smoked a oz of that smelly cherry tottally agree no cherry flavour more a mentol twang, not a bad bit of weed nowt special tho.

I will give the wee man it tho the dog kush minus the hermi probs lol is a lovely distinct flavour n smoke.


Well-Known Member
Lots of strains smell lovely just before n during chop weather it holds that smell on just a dry??? N don't need a 4-8wk cure to then bring any smell back out lol

Ice you big rough tough prison bod who just so happens to like a large object or 3 up the arse lol what's your opinion on sons of anarcy? Ne good?
lol ur just jealouse

It's called 'Smelly Fingerez'.
hmm hmmm

I smoked a oz of that smelly cherry tottally agree no cherry flavour more a mentol twang, not a bad bit of weed nowt special tho.

I will give the wee man it tho the dog kush minus the hermi probs lol is a lovely distinct flavour n smoke.
mr guru ther lol

inbox is full yorkie


Well-Known Member
Mr guru to u ice most deffo I do feel sorry for these people listening to any grow advice from you! Lmfao

I've forgot more about weed then u know, I'll even bring out the caps for that FACT!