Don Gin and Ton
Well-Known Member
give ova man it's you sweaty socks that are all the bother as far as i can tell.
give ova man it's you sweaty socks that are all the bother as far as i can tell.
I agree with that, I hope scotland becomes its own one day, we should do alright, i read somthing a while ago about the taxes going outa scotland are higher than taxes even going into scotland so, Not exactly fair, esspecially with david cameron i fucking hate his face so much its unreal, dunno just realy would love to punch that baby face right aff himnot sure but unlikely. it'll be the same relationship as the uk has with ireland i suspect. tbh i want out of the union, im british and scottish but we NEVER EVER EVER vote tory in scotland and in my lifetime alone weve had almost 20 years of tory rule, and the wealth of the entire nation all seems to end up in the south east, fuck that, ahm not payin sum middle class public school pricks to run my country and line there own fuckin pockets and then have the sheer arogance to tell us we have to tighten our belts coz there fuckin mates in the banking system blew all the dough on bad gambles with our money, ye can fuck right off with that.
we'd be quite happy to have you geordie lads join us if you want, coz if we get independence then u can bet yer last quid that it'll be you lot that get fucked over even worse. According to the most recent figures, Scotland contributed 9.6 per cent of Britain's tax take and accounted for 9.3 per cent of public spending.....weve always paid more in than taken out and the oil is scotlands not englands.
we'd be quite happy to have you geordie lads join us if you want, coz if we get independence then u can bet yer last quid that it'll be you lot that get fucked over even worse. According to the most recent figures, Scotland contributed 9.6 per cent of Britain's tax take and accounted for 9.3 per cent of public spending.....weve always paid more in than taken out and the oil is scotlands not englands.
Whatever Westminster say, Scotland should have had independence when oil was found. There was a referendum back then and people voted yes (just not a big enough majority/or turn out for the Government to accept it. But I am sure at the time they didn't want to give up the oil so no independance. And now the Govt are saying that if Scotland go independant that they have to apply to get back in all the EU, UN, blah blah, whereas it wouldn't be the case if Ireland or Wales went independant. SO basically even at this monent Scotland is not even equal to the other countires in the UK. I think it would be hard for Scotland, but I think they could do it in the Long Run. There's the issue, could people survive until the Long Run came around. As a Graduate of Economics I trully believe Smallism can work.
And I guess if you say, Tosh, and Bollax enough, then that's a good enough argument, lol.
just lol......
dude, for me, go independant, saves me having to read BOLLAX like 'we'd be better off alone' and oil this and that, what a load of TOSH.