The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
Ill come back to this when i start the coco in about 2 month. Is it alright with coco though? Im in soil the now but next will be that coco


Well-Known Member
the feed says promotes heavy cropping :) havent dropped a single leaf since using it, ice will give a smoke report on the gk x exo in around two weeks, and she's been fed nothing but these.


Well-Known Member
i'm in coco, works fine, as long as you add the cal/mag :) no burn, no yellowing, they are as happy as can be, i will back this soon when i pull the gk x exo with a few pics of this 'fictional' grow i got going on :)


Well-Known Member
i'm in coco, works fine, as long as you add the cal/mag :) no burn, no yellowing, they are as happy as can be, i will back this soon when i pull the gk x exo with a few pics of this 'fictional' grow i got going on :)
yeah cool, i suppose after you are going to go on a nascar forum and pretend to be a race car drivertoo?


Well-Known Member
that remindsme i must order sum more boost, fucking expensive shit that is, any good alternatives but cheaper guys? i got pk for week 5-6 so wanna start adding boost now im at week 2


Well-Known Member
that remindsme i must order sum more boost, fucking expensive shit that is, any good alternatives but cheaper guys? i got pk for week 5-6 so wanna start adding boost now im at week 2
Ionic boost is cheaper, infact its cheaper alltogether for the 3part i think, 8.50 for a 1l bottle.


Well-Known Member
I bought 25 litres of ionics boost, don't think ill ever use it all, only use it at 1 ml per litre. Wonder how long it'll keep for?


Well-Known Member
I use cannabis boost and its defo good shit fookin stinks though! How mu h you pay for a 1ltr bottle? I'm paying £49!!! It has lasted a while tho


Well-Known Member
that remindsme i must order sum more boost, fucking expensive shit that is, any good alternatives but cheaper guys? i got pk for week 5-6 so wanna start adding boost now im at week 2
Btw keep that address i gave you somewhere safe an disguised in case someone we don't no gets a hold of you're account.


Well-Known Member
ikode, i'd use the rhizo more than a week, but it's dear, and tbh i get better roots using seaweed extract, and that only costs £4.50 for 800ml from wilkinson's, rhizo is £12 for 250ml.

The seaweed goes in at 5ml per litre and i have NEVER had roots as good as what i got now using it, my rhizo is now sitting un-used, will do a side by side with 2 cuts when my next psychosis root, as for using it a week, i use it all way thru veg, and lower to a minimum dose around week 5 of flower, cutting it off only at week 7.
have been thinking of ordering some for a while now. 100% will do for my next grow. should suit the organic take i'm doing with soil i hope.
£7.79 a litre here


Well-Known Member
you in soil? #tought you were in coco...
Yeh I am in coco but don't know whether to go soil and organic and all that shit. And the cannabis boost is defo worth it looking at my last grow diary my best was 5 1/2 oz off the blue widow makes the buds swell like ripe pussy


Well-Known Member
Yeh man mine are getting it in the morning to set up em for the day can't wait till harvest time already looking forward to some real haze.sick of paying top rates for shit my first grow was better than most of the stuff out there