The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
Don't Cross the Line be careful

  • YouTube is not for pornography or sexually explicit content. If this describes your video, even if it's a video of yourself, don't post it on YouTube. Also, be advised that we work closely with law enforcement and we report child exploitation.
bugger! going have to pull those vids down of me wanking off smotherd in marmite! cheers for the heads up mate.


Well-Known Member
I've just found some on my ask on the bottom buds Yeh there like in a cluster like a mini bunch of bananas and there yellow as soon as you see em you know what they are!! If they are them wet them and our fingers before u pull em off;-)
yah, i got no clusters, but i seen a yellow thing on the bottom of my plant, looks like a catylx watever they are, but no white hairs comin out of it, iv got it on most of my stems, but they all have a brow/dead pistol on them, they were all the first pistols that showed in veg though. ill keep an eye on this one, iv looked at it through 60x microscope, just looks like a catylx thing but no white hair.
hard to explain.


Well-Known Member
lol i like ur taste in movies m8 ;)
yeah man, some people like scarface, i think its over rated and too long. but casino is another classic i liked, robert de niros best film.
downloadin this is 40 right now, meant to be paull rudd in it, meant to be like the second knocked up. except without seth rogan.


Well-Known Member
i been posting on here and youtube for ages, i should be locked up by the sound of it... fuck em, leave em come, there's nothing here, everything i say is a lie and my pics are ALL downloaded from 3rd party sources or the internet.... I KNOW NOTHING ABOUT ANYTHING!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
yah, i got no clusters, but i seen a yellow thing on the bottom of my plant, looks like a catylx watever they are, but no white hairs comin out of it, iv got it on most of my stems, but they all have a brow/dead pistol on them, they were all the first pistols that showed in veg though. ill keep an eye on this one, iv looked at it through 60x microscope, just looks like a catylx thing but no white hair.
hard to explain.
spot the nanner ;)...............................................................


Well-Known Member

and hwat about your pc mac address? i.e everything tha connects to the www has its own unique mac addy,, not ther not tracable BUT if they knew or thought was you then did u,, get your pc,, they could proove u uploaded the vids, then get your camera with the md5 they proove u made the vid

im not saying be parra but im saying be carefull,.. put sum thought into it,

and the brown hairs, they should all be ther together every plant should getbrown hairs,, grr,, i guess its why people all grow 1 strain at a time



Well-Known Member
i been posting on here and youtube for ages, i should be locked up by the sound of it... fuck em, leave em come, there's nothing here, everything i say is a lie and my pics are ALL downloaded from 3rd party sources or the internet.... I KNOW NOTHING ABOUT ANYTHING!!!!!!
lol i say let em come but i aint makin it an easy job to find me, besides i have a few questions id like to ask ;)


Well-Known Member

and hwat about your pc mac address? i.e everything tha connects to the www has its own unique mac addy,, not ther not tracable BUT if they knew or thought was you then did u,, get your pc,, they could proove u uploaded the vids, then get your camera with the md5 they proove u made the vid

im not saying be parra but im saying be carefull,.. put sum thought into it,
bro if they get that far il own up im proud of my vids lol but first they have to prove im a criminal ;)


Well-Known Member
Yeh casinos a bad film mate what about gangster no.1 that's a gooden
havnt seenit man, there was a few good films in 2012, so far 2013 has been perty shit. i liked battleship, but im lookin forward to some films comin out this year, world war z, star trek 2, those look pretty good cant wait for em.


Well-Known Member
Sound c bit delboy. @kode Yeh world war z looks mad gonna be a gooden that maye
aye, have you seen the startrek movie, its pretty good, think it was out last year. i fuckin loved it, same with john carter and django.

my plant has been packin on the frost, even got some trichomes on my fanleaves now, need a better camera, so i can do those fancy close ups.


Well-Known Member
aye, have you seen the startrek movie, its pretty good, think it was out last year. i fuckin loved it, same with john carter and django.

my plant has been packin on the frost, even got some trichomes on my fanleaves now, need a better camera, so i can do those fancy close ups.
lol any 8mp will do it,, s2 are great phones forem piss all over the iphone, anwyays,, remeber to turn location services off i u use a phone
anwyays shapooing the carpets yes i know is 2300 hrs,, kids what can i do,, wer moving in ,,well not long,, needless to sy il be moving end of flower plants :?lol its all gravy


Well-Known Member
lol any 8mp will do it,, s2 are great phones forem piss all over the iphone, anwyays,, remeber to turn location services off i u use a phone
anwyays shapooing the carpets yes i know is 2300 hrs,, kids what can i do,, wer moving in ,,well not long,, needless to sy il be moving end of flower plants :?lol its all gravy
yeah, i will have a look see what i can find on ebay...