The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
sittin here wiv little ones watchin cbeebies and feelin a bit uncomfortable at what I see, bunch o nonces by the looks, but at least I am watchin live broadcast wiv no licence fee paid for 12 years. Started off by couldnt be arsed to actually get one but now its just too easy to not pay, here is the most recent episode wiv tv licence bods...3rd letter we are sending our man round etc £1000 fine bollox arse ache, me phones up and tells them to stop harassing me as I dont need a licence (true to date), they try for joinder by asking my name, I refuse to give it but i do give them the number on the letter, he asks for my mobile number which I refuse on the basis that I do not want to give it out. I then tell him I have no contract with his organisation, he tells me he will send his man round, I tell him "who will he ask for" as he has no name and that none of his agents have permission to enter my land and I withdraw "implied consent" meaning that if they show up they are technically trespassing....I asked him "do you understand" to which he relied "yes"...pmsl no tv fee for me (or yous lot now) ha ha ha, he actually thanked me for contacting them


Well-Known Member
Ahhh u can't beat a good joint mate just talk in about em making me want another one fuck it why not the sun is shining the birds are singing I'm gonna bun another one lol. Flushed the ak this morning got ec down do 500 then flushed once more with mollasses can't wait till she's ready ;-)
nothin like a joint and a cuppa, specially when youv got nothing better to be doing

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
well i've just burped the dog and smelly fingerez, washed up, put beef chunk chilli con carne in the slow cooker and am away to do battle with the back garden.

first a shower and a bong.


Well-Known Member
Beef chunk chilli ay sounds nice I'm just doin mince n potatoes and that nice n simple but fookin bostin. How's the dog and smelly fingers smellung then?

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
nice, i love mince n dumplings but her indoors absolutely refuses to eat gravy. drives me mad. if i want dumplings i make em in bolognese and even then she twisted her face cos they weren't soft like soup dumplings.

her folks are doing a massive lamb joint for tea, tis easter after all :)

The dog's still like hay at the moment, be another few days before the cure brings the smell back fully, though if you squeeze it it's lifting. the fingerez smells like cherry cream soda to me or ice cream.

trichome 1

Well-Known Member
sittin here wiv little ones watchin cbeebies and feelin a bit uncomfortable at what I see, bunch o nonces by the looks, but at least I am watchin live broadcast wiv no licence fee paid for 12 years. Started off by couldnt be arsed to actually get one but now its just too easy to not pay, here is the most recent episode wiv tv licence bods...3rd letter we are sending our man round etc £1000 fine bollox arse ache, me phones up and tells them to stop harassing me as I dont need a licence (true to date), they try for joinder by asking my name, I refuse to give it but i do give them the number on the letter, he asks for my mobile number which I refuse on the basis that I do not want to give it out. I then tell him I have no contract with his organisation, he tells me he will send his man round, I tell him "who will he ask for" as he has no name and that none of his agents have permission to enter my land and I withdraw "implied consent" meaning that if they show up they are technically trespassing....I asked him "do you understand" to which he relied "yes"...pmsl no tv fee for me (or yous lot now) ha ha ha, he actually thanked me for contacting them
ive done the same,once you remove implied rights of access they will just send you a letter/visit every 2 years,people think its againt the law not to have a tv licence but it isn't its merely an act that the bbc are trying to con people out of, I have had a tv licence worker at the door and I said sorry m8 you are trespassing because I have removed implied rights of access as I don't wish to help fund the biggest pedophile ring in England and shut my door in his face lol


Active Member
just thrown in some lamb shanks, should be good in about 8 hours or so...

well i've just burped the dog and smelly fingerez, washed up, put beef chunk chilli con carne in the slow cooker and am away to do battle with the back garden.

first a shower and a bong.


Well-Known Member
Ha ha ha women are funny fuckers ain't they. That smelly fingers sounds nice is the dog crossed with the hog or something where doesn't get its name from? My mate did a grow of the hog and it was some nice gear very strong and fookin stunk


Well-Known Member
OK sound cheers double og mofo just sounds like its gonna be knockout tackle DOG lol. Yeh mince n tatas just put a nice dollop of Colman's mustard in oh god nearly Spunked in me little frilly knickers lol


Well-Known Member
muh hahaha, shombody shtop me ;).................................................................. 3 of veg ;)


Well-Known Member
Go on del boy lookin sweeeet mate I'm defo gonna try your cloning technique strait into coco looks good man ;-)
coco compost or straight potting/cutting compost stops them from yellowing as quick as in straight coco after they have rooted they fly m8 they are only 3 days since re-pot ;)

edit - if your gunna use straight coco make sure you soak/moisten it with some 1-1-1 = 5-5-5 @ 1/5 strength ;)


Well-Known Member
good stuff del , how long you gonna let em go before the flip? can see the front 3 are a ways ahead of the pack :)
it may be the angle of the pic m8 but 3 of them are about a day behind the rest in growth but i have ways of slowing them down for the others to catch up. hopefully gunna leave them 28 days and get done what i need to in between ( topping,pinching/sc cropping & net training ) but wel see what the girls say to me ;)