pc games justw ouldnt be viable as lots need codes n shit, and the games producers wont make special none code editions for lovefilm,com for obvious reasons,
imbored of blac ops 2 ima swap it for summet else i think,, im into homefront atm and just orded morern warfare 1 then il have all ov em,, not into pc gaming, thats what gaming consoles is for
me pc power supply went down
runninng on a big fat 250 watt psu atm,, dunno how long that will last on a qaud 16gb machine like 
one more nute feed for me plants then onto plain water for last week, get that pk washed out
imbored of blac ops 2 ima swap it for summet else i think,, im into homefront atm and just orded morern warfare 1 then il have all ov em,, not into pc gaming, thats what gaming consoles is for
me pc power supply went down

one more nute feed for me plants then onto plain water for last week, get that pk washed out