The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
Have a look at what dst said man, i had a quick flick through but am a bit busy atm. i wouldn't attempt a pure outdoor grow unless in some sort of a greenhouse but thats just me.
i got plans for an outdoor auto only grow in a greenhouse this summer, whether they come to fruition tho is another ball game entirely. Don't wanna reveal too much yet but the 3 strains i hope to be involved are Think Different, Auto Mazar and Auto Pineapplegum. It will be both my first auto grow and first outdoor so am looking forward to it. Plan on starting them off around the end of May, 10th of June at the latest. better move me lazy stoner ass and pick the greenhouse up, its been waiting for me in me mates garden for over a year now.....


Well-Known Member can one of you lads give me advice on diet and how & when to exercise ? ,bear in mind im old and knackered ! is it possible for me to become a muscly cunt ?

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
insanity workout will make anyone a beast, but you got to be dedicated and it will kill you

Yeah I'll second that, I've got P90X and I'll be doing it on some peptides in a few months.

1 hour per day for 90 days, rinse and repeat.

Sa fucking killer for sure but it'll get anybody fit and ripped.


Well-Known Member
find out in the next couple days if i start a job, 20-30 hours a week helping with a mates tiling business. only him doing it with his old man running the businness end of things. couldnt be more cushdy! :)

hows them autos comin along then redeye?


Well-Known Member can one of you lads give me advice on diet and how & when to exercise ? ,bear in mind im old and knackered ! is it possible for me to become a muscly cunt ?
If your wanting to lose weight and tone up a bit baz the most important thing is diet gotta cut carbs and fat down to minimal. Start eating fish and chicken a lot more. And I don't mean chippy Nd KFC lol.
Exercise wise you wanna start off with cardio, no point lifting weights till u shit urself if you still have 5 stone of fat strapped to ya. Get something like a tread mill or a spinner.
Once ya have noticed a bit of weight off ya start working on ya muscles,but divide your work out time between cardio and muscle gain. In a way kinda ween ya self of cardio the more weight you lose.
Works for me ;)

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
That guy in the first pic yorkie just posted. His abs look weird
Lol, yeah.

It's his genetics, he's got a really high and wide rib cage making him look like he's got a low pigeon chest.

He's about 50 in that pic, forget his name but he won a load of cash and a sponsorship contract for that.


Well-Known Member
Aright lads how's tricks? So you lot still talk in about muscles n shit I don't know how you've got the time or energy to workout them days are long gone. Any way just about to have a mice fatty topped up with hash Mmmm mmmmmmm with a fooooookin breeeewwwww yoooouuuttthhhh

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
A sweetener for Don!


Not everybody's cup of tea but I think she's fit.