The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
fukin soil can suk my salty balls!

afternoon ladies, hows all? added a fan to my drying room today, pointing away from the plants with extractor runing,, is a fan needed if the extraor is running with a passive inlet?


Well-Known Member
I think if every weed smoker in the uk went to London and protested then something might change as we are talking about millions of people but most weed smokers are quick to moan about lagalising weed but don't take any action,i think that if we ALL let our feelings be known then a party will realise there will be million of votes for the party who promises to legalise weed.
dont vote for fukers which take yr god given rights ie allpolitians, it is lawful to smoke mj under common law as the statute against it is an act which you DO NOT have to consent to. remember wen they are reading out their shit and ask do you UNDERSTAND say NO


Well-Known Member
Alreet boys how are we all? Well its been a Bostin day 2day now its chill time in the shed with a hash powered joint ooooossshhhh ;-)

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
they all backpedal, look at that clown nick clegg and the uni fees. oh actually we've had a complete u turn about that hahah jokes on you students... fucking coalition. they should have had a hung parliament instead and a proper election.


Well-Known Member
they all backpedal, look at that clown nick clegg and the uni fees. oh actually we've had a complete u turn about that hahah jokes on you students... fucking coalition. they should have had a hung parliament instead and a proper election.
both sides are bankers puppets, there really is no left or right as these are the two wings of the same dialectic...the middle being controlled by international bankers, voting for anyone is tossing yer freedom an empowerin the oppressors, we already have the freedoms they promise


Well-Known Member
fuk the government bunh oof lying CUNTS! the only good thing to come out if this one is the thing hes trying to do to stop benefits for immigrants and the nhs for them too, the EU says he cant so hopefully we may pull out of eu coz he dont wanna pay em benefits,
the pakis abuse the nhs anwyays getting shit to send home to pakiststan and whatnot,,fukin gloyts
i think they should do a national mandatory vote to stay in eu or not,, i mean its rite, it affects us all,, and that nick clegg or whoever saying he could live on 56 a week LOL

everyones beefits goes to monthly in october nationwide, that includes doles and tax credits and our rent is paid to us so we have to physically go pay it ourselves, im sorry but thats just asking for trouble aint it.


n thanx for answering me question guys.

only hung em yesetrday and te leaves have grown bak loads already lol


Well-Known Member
Ha ha Yeh I'd have a fan running in there mate keep a nice bit of airflow going . What u mean leaves have grown back have you Re-vegged or sum ting?


Well-Known Member
lol no im on about on the hanging buds, the leafs start to grow bak,
Never heard of this before, people only use fans if theyre drying area is too hot or stuffy. if the room theyre drying in is nice n cool with low humidity you'll be sound.


Well-Known Member
Never heard of this before, people only use fans if theyre drying area is too hot or stuffy. if the room theyre drying in is nice n cool with low humidity you'll be sound.
yeh its nice and cool, i checked the temp and it said like 21,, the fans nower nr the weed just in the corner is a 8ftx4ft room and i got the extractor runing with filter and the fan well away facing the wall keeps the air mooving, and the denceness of my buds, id say thats a good thing to avoid budrot/mould no?


Well-Known Member
Yeh man its a good thing like u said tho make sure it ain't blowing on the buds and have it on low setting;-) am I being dumb? Do u literally mean leaves are growing back or after the chop when everything starts shrinking? Lol I'm stoned


Well-Known Member
sounds good man. i know room temperature is like 32c ? so 21 should be safe.
humidity is the main thing you want kept low and with the extractor and fan moving the air you should be golden.