The UK Growers Thread!

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
dust these off again lol


never caught fire but the molten plastic would hav if it touched the carpet believe me. those maxibright compacts are death traps bloke told me they happen like one in a couple of thousand :shock: clear conscience there mate.....

brewing up

Well-Known Member
hows it going my fellow uk grower minions? we need to unite and put our feet down to this robbing government, what has happened to human rights? we are just a bunch of numbers to these people we pay for there 4 houses and even there funerals, even when there dead there still robbing us blind, UNITE and PROTEST we need to stick together!!!

trichome 1

Well-Known Member
dust these off again lol

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never caught fire but the molten plastic would hav if it touched the carpet believe me. those maxibright compacts are death traps bloke told me they happen like one in a couple of thousand :shock: clear conscience there mate.....
I have a metal vented ballast but I still don't trust it or that the bulb itself wont explode and ive read that there are gasses in the mh bulb or something,and it doesn't help that my grow is the cupboard under my stairs meaning if there was a fire the only way out would be to jump lol :)

trichome 1

Well-Known Member
I know its bad taste to make jokes about tragic events but the reaction I get from the yanks make me want to keep doing it lol,i must be bored lol,they hate me on that thread just coz I said a joke or six :) Obama said today he wont let America be terrorised but isn't that what the bombers are doing?? :)


Well-Known Member
dust these off again lol

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never caught fire but the molten plastic would hav if it touched the carpet believe me. those maxibright compacts are death traps bloke told me they happen like one in a couple of thousand :shock: clear conscience there mate.....

ooo fuck , i always keep mine on a breeze block for just such occasions !..ive got the same ballast and been using it for 3 years, no probs at all with it , touch cloth !:bigjoint:

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
/you got any pics up of your DWC setup don? Did you just go for a simple bucket and stone setup, or something a bit more fancy?
Made my own dwc and bought an aquafarm I'm going to mod with an airstone. Should smash my yield records to date. Bloody things are too big to fit in my present veg setup. Irony eh... Thinking of getting a 1m square n putting it on its side. I'll put pics up when I've got a temp veg box made up. Cardboard box tastic lmao

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
Trich n bazooma when you're flush crop time go digital ballast and don't look back. Piece of shit maxibright compact could have put me in jail, killed me n the lass or worse still fucked me crop :shock:

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
Piece of shit maxibright compact could have put me in jail, killed me n the lass or worse still fucked me crop :shock:
I remember that Don.

My cousin burned his house down just before xmas with a maxibright he'd been running for 4 years.

When he told me the story I didn't even need to mention the brand just "it was a plastic molded one wasn't it", "Yeah, how did you know!?".

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
So the 'Two Toke Killer' pheno's have started to mature and show a little character in the last couple of day's, stopped putting on height and started to fill out some.

Bigger 'Two Toke Killer'.
(She'll be a beast)

Smaller 'Two Toke Killer'.

'Grape Kush x Exodus Psychosis'.

Tent shot, lights off/on.


Well-Known Member
he's obviously a smart lad, he wears Jaeger Lecoultre reverso watch! All the smart cunts wear them! lol.

think I'll forward this to my mate who use to work for Lehman Brothers (actually, he still works for Nomura, who bought them for 3 and 6 pence), and one night while snorting a line told me that weed was the worst drug ever as it ruined your ambitions, lmfao....yeh ok pal.
it gives you ambitions, weed is mine lmao


Well-Known Member
Garybhoy, it will NEVER happen under ANY UK scum government, best bet is for Independence where an SNP government wants the Portugal approach to cannabis (and other drugs) , very sensible I reacon.
tory scum lmfao only us in our secret city would know what that means...


Well-Known Member
fuk the government bunh oof lying CUNTS! the only good thing to come out if this one is the thing hes trying to do to stop benefits for immigrants and the nhs for them too, the EU says he cant so hopefully we may pull out of eu coz he dont wanna pay em benefits,
the pakis abuse the nhs anwyays getting shit to send home to pakiststan and whatnot,,fukin gloyts
i think they should do a national mandatory vote to stay in eu or not,, i mean its rite, it affects us all,, and that nick clegg or whoever saying he could live on 56 a week LOL

everyones beefits goes to monthly in october nationwide, that includes doles and tax credits and our rent is paid to us so we have to physically go pay it ourselves, im sorry but thats just asking for trouble aint it.


n thanx for answering me question guys.

only hung em yesetrday and te leaves have grown bak loads already lol
if you could move from a shit country with sand rebels, to a nice 1st world country free house free money every week, free hospital bills you would do it, fuckin joke pakis need to fuck of, one other thing when they move here they dont have to pay taxes for 7 years i think, fuckin joke hate em all, allways will allways have since i was 5 callin my teachers a chocolate cunt.


Well-Known Member
sounds good man. i know room temperature is like 32c ? so 21 should be safe.
humidity is the main thing you want kept low and with the extractor and fan moving the air you should be golden.
32c? you must be sittin in ur boxers with ur fan pointed at ur bawz