The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
northern lights was alright only one i can vouch for, but since growin it id believe if there was another strain like it, couldn't smell it until you were a couple inches away, didnt stink out the whole room/house like nowadays...
hoping this is the case with the nl x bb , but with the stench coming off them after the first couple of weeks veg i cant see it happening lol


Well-Known Member
Yeah its not realy a smell more of an aroma, people just sense its there, im in biobizz soil using the grow bloom an topmax, so im pretty much organic aswell, never had that problem.
prolly sumthin to do wiv wat i give em ha ha mix, alg a bat shit worm shitblood meal ffs must all cause a big fukin massive stench


Well-Known Member
TD looking nice an green Pon i got sum as seedlings at the moment, last time i grew it out loved it and the high, jus not quite wat i was lookin for taste wise so I am tryin again wiv new soil recipe, some i am topping for 4 an some i am gonna leave and bend the colas


Well-Known Member
ah well next time aye , its a nice little trick when your ph drops to fuck , its also much more stable than ph up so lasts that little bit longer , silicon helps in cell growth making stems a little stronger which helps come late in flower when the branches are all sitting on the friggin floor


Well-Known Member
todays update on my life , fuck twitter and face bollox i just type here

newt , cracking little creatures and fond of my fuckin pool , were upto 22 that ive fished out now and had to walk through the wood a mile to drop off in a pond

rabbits , sure as shit we have um so today ive dropped 6 plants out and made a rabbit proof surround , if they breach this at all im getting traps , the mrs is a bit funny about the slaughter of dumb animals

traps , just brought a mole trap given the little velvety bastard cant fuck my grass up enough , its mole heaven out there , ive shifted about a ton of top soil that moley has shit out , it cant last and fingers crossed moley will be relocated soon enough , whatever i catch is going in some cunts garden i know ,,,,,, its a public service

plants yeah yeah spoze i better mention , repotted a few sweet105 which are stretching like a fucker for some odd reason , could be ive started them off very early in the year ? either way there huge so im burying them as best as i can , the train/w are looking rather nice as are the f/dew and p/moroc ,,, im about to start some others off tonight and purple wreak are donw for a germming as are some more sweet105 , the kush are also looking tickty boo after a struggle to start being runty and fucked up looking , these are to be dropped out and about so i really could do with cloning to see what ive got before going to the trouble

talking of which the land here is substantial i though mogs was in outdoor heaven having 29.1 acres of woodland all to himself but noooooo theres a fuckin path network going right through my playground plus the local dog school uses it also , its not the end of the world but it does mean i have to be sporadic with the plants i drop out rather than a field of green like i intended , so its fairly private rather than very , this means more work and having to be sober and on the fuckin ball with food and watering , good news the soils looking fit for using without too much dicking about , bad news i could have kicked bambie up the arse today i got that close so theres deer in there , think im going to need a lot of clones thats for sure


Well-Known Member
fuking silione?? lol thats nutes, wat ever happened to ph up?? u nutters

moggggys stop talking shit,, u couldt grow a headache now stop talking dribble!!


Well-Known Member
todays update on my life , fuck twitter and face bollox i just type here

newt , cracking little creatures and fond of my fuckin pool , were upto 22 that ive fished out now and had to walk through the wood a mile to drop off in a pond

rabbits , sure as shit we have um so today ive dropped 6 plants out and made a rabbit proof surround , if they breach this at all im getting traps , the mrs is a bit funny about the slaughter of dumb animals

traps , just brought a mole trap given the little velvety bastard cant fuck my grass up enough , its mole heaven out there , ive shifted about a ton of top soil that moley has shit out , it cant last and fingers crossed moley will be relocated soon enough , whatever i catch is going in some cunts garden i know ,,,,,, its a public service

plants yeah yeah spoze i better mention , repotted a few sweet105 which are stretching like a fucker for some odd reason , could be ive started them off very early in the year ? either way there huge so im burying them as best as i can , the train/w are looking rather nice as are the f/dew and p/moroc ,,, im about to start some others off tonight and purple wreak are donw for a germming as are some more sweet105 , the kush are also looking tickty boo after a struggle to start being runty and fucked up looking , these are to be dropped out and about so i really could do with cloning to see what ive got before going to the trouble

talking of which the land here is substantial i though mogs was in outdoor heaven having 29.1 acres of woodland all to himself but noooooo theres a fuckin path network going right through my playground plus the local dog school uses it also , its not the end of the world but it does mean i have to be sporadic with the plants i drop out rather than a field of green like i intended , so its fairly private rather than very , this means more work and having to be sober and on the fuckin ball with food and watering , good news the soils looking fit for using without too much dicking about , bad news i could have kicked bambie up the arse today i got that close so theres deer in there , think im going to need a lot of clones thats for sure
fukin ell m8 u blazin sativa tonite


Well-Known Member
@indikat , can I come & live at you're gaff ? Sounds like a great little haven ! U got a wood burner m8 ? , doh, course u have !


Well-Known Member
fukin ell m8 u blazin sativa tonite
sobriety has had a day off , ak so yeah sativa , not sure how you would know but well spotted


loft needs a conversion to a bazillion loft boards , the heatings fucked , fella showed up today and had to restrained from seeing the pool as he thought it was heated by the lpg ,,,its not but it is a fuckin big greenhouse to 25 cannabis plants as you do , anyway the pumps fucked , a valves fucked , he wont sort it until the lofts boarded ( heath and safety ) so bonus and i may get it boarded for fuck all , got to be done soon though as ive plants ready willing and able and 2.5 foot tall desperate to fill hole


Well-Known Member
@iindikat, lol , thought u might ! IDE love a bit of land & a little house miles from any cunt ! Ain't gonna get it working hard that's 4 cunting sure !


Well-Known Member
u talking silicone i.e wat u use for bathrom in sealy gun??

aye we know u know fuk all!!! haha or wel start calling u yoggy! coz ur a know it all cunt!
true story

lad i used to hang around with was called yoggy because he was half woggy , long story short someone shouted him and some a girl i know thought someone was calling me , she asked why i was called moggy and i said its cus i love the pussy ( she was the other side of fit , made even my tongue go hard ), after everyone stopped calling me a cunt for the next hour it stuck and viola moggggy was born


Well-Known Member
true story

lad i used to hang around with was called yoggy because he was half woggy , long story short someone shouted him and some a girl i know thought someone was calling me , she asked why i was called moggy and i said its cus i love the pussy ( she was the other side of fit , made even my tongue go hard ), after everyone stopped calling me a cunt for the next hour it stuck and viola moggggy was born
grade 8 haha