damn, when i first started growin i had a plan, keep hoardin silver, so in a few years probably more like 20 itl have to go up as the population rises, then boom i got somethin jus incsse, cuz if i have cash layin aroun i allways think hhmm go to the shops get a pack of fags an spoil mysel, before i know it im up to 15 quid a day on shit, fags food bottles of pop etc shit that i do fine withoutthe gold price is very low now the £800 mentioned is sterling and it is always quoted in $ so u only trade one thing not two..(gold and forex), my trade that I was happy wiv the other day nearly died overnight (from £400 up to -£199 ffs) so 600 kwid almost wiped....today it is back up at 400 profit, if it has bottomed I get to make free money every day for a few months without doing anything else...or I could loose only 200 kwid...a no brainer if it works
an u think thatl stop me, haha u must be jokin, next time get a padlock an biker chains might jus make it entertainin, 2nd class, ffs u knob well its free so cant complain! bros comin over tomorrow he got a half oz last week an still has a bit left so think ill jus tann it off himan I superglued the lid smsl
yeah I sent sae s first class sign for and sambo wont b there for a few days so he needs his second class, and yours is cos u r a disrespectful potty mouthan u think thatl stop me, haha u must be jokin, next time get a padlock an biker chains might jus make it entertainin, 2nd class, ffs u knob well its free so cant complain! bros comin over tomorrow he got a half oz last week an still has a bit left so think ill jus tann it off him
am a fuckin animal ill chew the chains off it fgor a smoke
been smokeless 8 days now, jesus dnt sound alot but feels like i havnt had a smoke since last year...
lol i know what that feels like mate, we can roughly afford 2 score bags per fortnight on our money an with 2 of us smoking each bag lasts less than a day lolan u think thatl stop me, haha u must be jokin, next time get a padlock an biker chains might jus make it entertainin, 2nd class, ffs u knob well its free so cant complain! bros comin over tomorrow he got a half oz last week an still has a bit left so think ill jus tann it off him
am a fuckin animal ill chew the chains off it fgor a smoke
been smokeless 8 days now, jesus dnt sound alot but feels like i havnt had a smoke since last year...
lol, just out of interest was it the bubble or the charas you sent me in the end? Just curious lolyeah I sent sae s first class sign for and sambo wont b there for a few days so he needs his second class, and yours is cos u r a disrespectful potty mouth
its the pure bubble un pressed, I make the charas wen I fuk up and teres a green tinge to it, this lot was perfect so it stays as bubblelol, just out of interest was it the bubble or the charas you sent me in the end? Just curious lol
did i send u Scottish notes lol i never even checked,@ garyboy sound mate fairy landed.. I'm English yano lmao
ty very muchits the pure bubble un pressed, I make the charas wen I fuk up and teres a green tinge to it, this lot was perfect so it stays as bubble
well ive got a fairly decent tolerance to weed lol, my favourite/strongest smoke so far that i like to enjoy when i can afford to 1fag and as much weed an kief as i can physically stuff into a king skin or cone lolto heavy for me that bubble stuff, hell last run my scissor hash fucked me up to the point of it not being nice, well tbh most weed does that to me, fucking lightweight,, i hate it wen u feel too smashed,
u druggy cunts!
Dont worry they still accept it in civilised parts of the world lmaodid i send u Scottish notes lol i never even checked,
know that feeling mate on JSA with a 3 bed house, a wife and 3 kids under 8 years old its a fucking struggle to survive, i call it an existence as it sure as fuck aint a lifeyeah mate JSA an weve got a 3 bed house/debts/3yr old kid needing new clothes all the time etc lol
im in a private let so dont get affected by the bedroom tax but i pay £600 p/m rent and only get 400 from the job center so need to make up the excess on top of all the other household bills, no wonder so many unemployed turn to growing we need the fucking income, its not like i dont wanna work but as a chef im struggling cos there is about 40 eastern european cunts willing to do the same job for half the wages how can i compete with thatsame here bowt the 3bed and kids part! this new bedroom tax takes the piss like, fucking ton a month wankers
anybody got skyrim on ps3 for sale or trade for another game?
and i know i said rim!
where spoons? i aint gota pm? checked both email account and nowt from you?sambo u got mail matey![]()
I pm'd ya mate ill re sendwhere spoons? i aint gota pm? checked both email account and nowt from you?