The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
yahmun, well im usually alright, but the past couple month iv been smoking non stop an this is the longest iv been without a smoke, since about january, 9 and a half days now ffs
yeah i was like that when i was growing in my old place, went nearly 2 years without a single day off the stuff, first few weeks after that were hell when i couldnt afford any lmao


Well-Known Member
yeah i was like that when i was growing in my old place, went nearly 2 years without a single day off the stuff, first few weeks after that were hell when i couldnt afford any lmao
looks like im back to that 2-3 day a fortnight shit aswell, my mate is on jsa, every 2 weeks he gets 7g for 90 quid then buys a q of soap to do him, work that out ursel mate, walks 5 mile into town to sign on cuz hes got nowt left for fares, biggest scavenger for fags u ever met mate, asks you for 2, not just one, seen him run up on people an take the fags out their mouths lmao, fuckin pathetic tho spendin everything u got on smoke tho


Well-Known Member
sup guys....well last 2 weeks been havin prob with a few of my big fan leafs going yellow...been told was a n doing organic...add my own cal/mag ect ect.......since prob ive added bit of h2020 and 3ml of gro per ltr....aint realy seen any diff....plants alsewere look healthy n green buds gettin bigger each day 2......IMG_0381.jpgIMG_0379.jpgIMG_0373.jpg

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
You've had a good run out of work to be fair though Don, lol.
aye too true. it's more an unfortunate sequence of events and a couple of errors at my end and the other end using their birds address so the postie obviously looked at the rest of the post and thought aye you don't live here ya chancer.

I could not doubt still receive to work they won't open my post but i think i'll leave it a good while i reckon, if all my post stops coming and going they'll think i was posting shit loads of gear haha


Well-Known Member
aye too true. it's more an unfortunate sequence of events and a couple of errors at my end and the other end using their birds address so the postie obviously looked at the rest of the post and thought aye you don't live here ya chancer.

I could not doubt still receive to work they won't open my post but i think i'll leave it a good while i reckon, if all my post stops coming and going they'll think i was posting shit loads of gear haha
get some stamps an just send ursel loads of crap, phone chargers, random letters etc make it seem normal like it was a one off? suppose leaving it wont do any harm either


Well-Known Member
sup guys....well last 2 weeks been havin prob with a few of my big fan leafs going yellow...been told was a n doing organic...add my own cal/mag ect ect.......since prob ive added bit of h2020 and 3ml of gro per ltr....aint realy seen any diff....plants alsewere look healthy n green buds gettin bigger each day 2......View attachment 2724582View attachment 2724583View attachment 2724584
i may be wrong, but you should have just gotten some grow nutes, like biogrow, something thats high in nitrogen, i dont know what that h202 shit is, i remember u saying ur grow shop guy told u to buy it whats the chances it was more expensive than the grow nutes, marketing bullshit, im lucky one of my grow shop guys is sound, infact he pointed me to playgron lightmix today because it was cheaper for me, and gave me 2 pots for free yaya


Well-Known Member
any advice? ive still got 5 weeks of flower left shld i be worrid?
sup guys....well last 2 weeks been havin prob with a few of my big fan leafs going yellow...been told was a n doing organic...add my own cal/mag ect ect.......since prob ive added bit of h2020 and 3ml of gro per ltr....aint realy seen any diff....plants alsewere look healthy n green buds gettin bigger each day 2......View attachment 2724582View attachment 2724583View attachment 2724584


Well-Known Member
looks like im back to that 2-3 day a fortnight shit aswell, my mate is on jsa, every 2 weeks he gets 7g for 90 quid then buys a q of soap to do him, work that out ursel mate, walks 5 mile into town to sign on cuz hes got nowt left for fares, biggest scavenger for fags u ever met mate, asks you for 2, not just one, seen him run up on people an take the fags out their mouths lmao, fuckin pathetic tho spendin everything u got on smoke tho
yeah i have to walk everywhere as well mate, not thru spending too much on weed but just having enough money to buy food n pay bills etc an faced with the choice of sitting on a bus everywhere n never getting a smke, or walking 2-3miles into town n keeping fit an having a smoke once a fortnight to stop me going insane i know what i prefer lol

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
cheers Kode, I get plenty of that sort of shit anyway. it's more outgoing that's the issue.

Imcjayt, they look fine i wouldn't worry about the odd yellow leaf.


Well-Known Member
ok.....kno i got yellow leafs to come in last weeks ect.....but as these was early.....was bit worrid......ill c how it goes anyways.....
cheers Kode, I get plenty of that sort of shit anyway. it's more outgoing that's the issue.

Imcjayt, they look fine i wouldn't worry about the odd yellow leaf.


Well-Known Member
yer thats what i got the h2020 and uped me grow amount......nothin realy i sed tho just the odd leaf ere n there....just wernt quite shure if was going to cause me probs down the line
Well if you know it is a nitrogen deficiency then feed em some nitrogen lol, go down the pound shop n find some veggie nutes high in nitrogen n feed em with it


Well-Known Member
i was gonna say the same, rest of the room looking fine and with no N def is just the odd yellow leaf, classic noob move imc lol ''oh no ive got a yellow leaf'' helppppppppppppppp lmao


Well-Known Member
ok.....kno i got yellow leafs to come in last weeks ect.....but as these was early.....was bit worrid......ill c how it goes anyways.....
how may exactly are you losing, if its say 0-6 a plant i wouldnt worry at all realy, infact prolly stretch it up to about 15 depending on size, show us some full pics mate sombdy will help ya, lookin at ur pics, u got nothin to worry about


Well-Known Member
ok newuser.....just didnt want me grow fbukin up in last 5 weeks.....would rather ask and sound like noob thay have me girls fbuk my fairys will be sprinklin there fairy dust in 5 weeks.....;-)


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
yer thats the shit i was i use the calcium in that........tbh i think he didnt kno what he was on bout it was a diff old bloke......
So ive gotta ask......if it was obvious to you that the twat didnt have a clue what he was on about why did you follow hos reccomendation n buy the peroxide?