Well-Known Member
and i made a small dwc for in there!
tbh mate there are 3 types of doorman...alot of them are good tho phonin taxis for ppl n that, but alot of them push their powers aswel sometimes doin a bit of both haha
Them and latex for chop time, standard.yorkie? wat happened to your white suits you was banging on about?
yeah innit just, I worked with me cousin for bout 3 years on a certain door (hes 6'8" an close on 20/21st, skinhead, tattoos etc)an whenever ya get "that" twat who decides to offer you out or try lumping ya thinking hes a big boy me cousin would just respond with "ok then which one of us ya want?" they of course would always pick me as im blatantly the smallest outta the 2 of us an he would just say "you made the wrong choice there mate, ill go ring you an ambulance") an walk off shaking his head, generally in the time it took him to walk 10-20meteres into the bar n back n ask em to ring an ambulance id be standing there having a fag with some cunt sparko on the floor lmaojust gotta love it, the attention ya get when the bets arnt on you ehh
hahaha, im not one to start fights with anyone unless its for a good reason, but i do love it when some cunt starts, believe it or not in person im silent but deadly, dont respond to any insults just nod and say yeah yeah, usually makes em think im scared WRONG, been in alot of fights in me short life, knocked a few people out, been knocked out a few times, but hey gotta do whaty ya gotta do, when i was 16 me n my mam and bro were at the cinema, some cunt was behind us scaffy little chavvy bastard, kept kicking my mams seat, when she finally let us know by telling him in a loud voice to stop, he did for about 10 mins, then when i heard his foot touch that seat, i flew right over the seats grabbed his throat and sat there casually lmao telling him he was going o die all i seen was red while holding onto his jugular, cant fuckin stand ppl dis respectin my mam in person, honestly if my brother wasnt there i wouldnt have let go, the fuckin cunt, must have thot my mam was by herself the dis respectfull little cunt, he had a few mates there aswell sittin laughin at him when my brother finally got me off him, he was shoutin back while tryin to get out the other side lmao, heard his voice all croaky cuz i held on tight to his throat, but that day i was mad, was ready to box the cunt afterwards, but he never did come out the cinema prolly still there to this day, when i see red im ready to kill, only been there 2-3 times, and that was one, another one was someone at school givin me cheek in the wrong class, yep woodword, got a right hook to the jaw, fuckin mongleled my hand, then snapped a sweeping brush over his back, and went for a chisel before being speared by staff, think that was cuz when my mam came to visit me i seen him through the glass doors pretending to hump my mam as she left.yeah innit just, I worked with me cousin for bout 3 years on a certain door (hes 6'8" an close on 20/21st, skinhead, tattoos etc)an whenever ya get "that" twat who decides to offer you out or try lumping ya thinking hes a big boy me cousin would just respond with "ok then which one of us ya want?" they of course would always pick me as im blatantly the smallest outta the 2 of us an he would just say "you made the wrong choice there mate, ill go ring you an ambulance") an walk off shaking his head, generally in the time it took him to walk 10-20meteres into the bar n back n ask em to ring an ambulance id be standing there having a fag with some cunt sparko on the floor lmao
my nephew is on the doors , he likes to brawl from time to time but its mainly to pay for stuff , he likes a bit of football violence , doesnt fit into any of the numbers mindtbh mate there are 3 types of doorman...
1. people with families an shit that are just doing it for the extra money to see their family alright like me
2. Morons that are only their to start fights, be bullies and generally wank their ego all night knowing theyve got numerous blokes to back em up, most of the time these are the bigger lads but cant fucking fight for shit but rely on their size instead to itimidate ya
3. People with no qualifications or are generally too stupid to do anything other than stand on a door an grunt at people, anyone can pass an SIA copurse so they see it as easy money where they cant get a job anywhere else
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