The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
anyways kode....u smashed her bak doors in yet?
nahman fuck her, asked her got shot down, wasnt going to kiss her ass for days then find out the same answer, moving on, i tapped a girl from rs mcolls a few months back, will see if shes wanting some more next time i go in.


Well-Known Member
Ice, if the water ain't ph right , the plants can't uptake the nutes in it , hence they don't get fed , if I'm not mistaken ?


Well-Known Member
pHing is fer pros not ices little cfl grow....wat ...u got a 3kw class 3....u gonna b pHin soon m8y its a fukin no brainer..... more weight mate...more lolly


Well-Known Member
yer and ive had ppl telling me in coco..its shld be 5.8.....and others say 6.3.....i just keep mine on 6
5.8 for coco and hydro, then 6.2-6.9 for soil is the best, altho i can push it up to 7.5 without any problems, but biobizz after adding nutes, its usually 6.0-6.5, i dont need to ph anymore unless im using new nutes, or if im using nutes i know changes the ph, like rhiz that makes me ph go upto 10 then i have to drop it.


Well-Known Member
yer i use biobizz
5.8 for coco and hydro, then 6.2-6.9 for soil is the best, altho i can push it up to 7.5 without any problems, but biobizz after adding nutes, its usually 6.0-6.5, i dont need to ph anymore unless im using new nutes, or if im using nutes i know changes the ph, like rhiz that makes me ph go upto 10 then i have to drop it.


Well-Known Member
fuk sake OK il try phing for a bit its just a royal chew wen i wanna be in and out ya no, ive nevr ph'd and never had a issue, ill up the nutes to 3ml per and if they go green again all gravy, if not then il ph and add that stuff im getting

got 2 grows going on now so gunna be fucking hekik

ima lollipop the physco soon, ima just dunk the cuts in hormone and fukit see what happens if they root il have sum physco cuts, 20 qwid each! LOL


Well-Known Member
yer i use biobizz
are you using the soil aswell, if i remember right u are, you should be fine if u only using biobizz, i cant comment on anything else, weather it changes ph or what, so ull have to get a pen and test for urself


Well-Known Member
how maky ladys u got going lad? in room size? just thinkin how many i can get in my new build comming up...was 14 by 12 sommert like that......but wanted a section for mother n get away with 10 under 2 hps?....
fuk sake OK il try phing for a bit its just a royal chew wen i wanna be in and out ya no, ive nevr ph'd and never had a issue, ill up the nutes to 3ml per and if they go green again all gravy, if not then il ph and add that stuff im getting

got 2 grows going on now so gunna be fucking hekik

ima lollipop the physco soon, ima just dunk the cuts in hormone and fukit see what happens if they root il have sum physco cuts, 20 qwid each! LOL


Well-Known Member
fuk sake OK il try phing for a bit its just a royal chew wen i wanna be in and out ya no, ive nevr ph'd and never had a issue, ill up the nutes to 3ml per and if they go green again all gravy, if not then il ph and add that stuff im getting

got 2 grows going on now so gunna be fucking hekik

ima lollipop the physco soon, ima just dunk the cuts in hormone and fukit see what happens if they root il have sum physco cuts, 20 qwid each! LOL
bigger/more grows= more work = more payoff, ull be dancing when uv got cash all the time mate.

have to work to get the payoff

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
PH'ing is for hydro & southern soft water shandy drinkers, err growers i mean.. up north it's hard and fine out the tap with most nutes, canna works a treat with it.

have those plants always been that yellow ice? how much water they getting? i'd try bunging some mono N in the next feed for one of them and see if any green comes back. i know you n yorkie are like cat n dog but he's right about getting yourself some straight nutes. Mono Nitrogen is a few bar for a litre and will last donkeys