The UK Growers Thread!

Lemon king

Well-Known Member
Seen that "Ross Kemp On Gangs" when he did Polish football?
I can't go to football with our lass when I go over, she'd get cut up more than I would for shagging an English lad.

Our lass showed me a video one time of "Lech Poznan" fans at one of the top boy's sons school football match, indoors in a sports hall at a junior school.
5 a side with a yellow fluffy ball ends up in a full on riot with flares and the full monty.

Pepper spray at Polish football matches comes in CO2 tanks strapped to coppers backs and fired into the crowd with a jetwash nozzle under high pressure!

aaaahhhh so you have a polish wife? NICE one its a struggle to find an ugly polish bird, and if they aint all that in the boat theres the accent!

see what i mean about other countries, we are ahead of our time, we were behaving like that years ago, im glad its turned out for the better now though banning the use of phrases such as Black board for being racist is a much more productive use of our time!!


Well-Known Member
yer why is it all the forren girls are fit as fuk...and the uk birds are iver stik thin slappers.......or ugly fat birds.......

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
Lech Poznan U11 match in 2009 as an example.


Standard procedure for their matches regardless of the age range of the players, it's all about the ruck in Poznan and when the lads are all fucking gangsta neo nazi nutters you've fuck all to say!

Note the time on the clock lads at the start......

0-0 and 34 seconds in, this is kick off!


Well-Known Member
yer herd there some good shit on there and money to be made.....I just aint got the time tho.......anyways missis is calling.......not realy but she gonna get woke up......bongsmilie...laterz...


Well-Known Member
yer....soon as I get some syc or exo whatever.....ill just keep running that......few mothers going....then just growit these doing now till November then hopefully I can get me hands on some by then.....
the cuts i got are doing fine m8, prop stil steamed day 3-4 tomoz so il open the vents, let em have a second of fresh air each day to be sure no mould sets in,, got like 4 in jiffys and rest in co-coir


Well-Known Member
oh yeh imagine going to paypal resolution centre and staing

i iwsh to open a case coz my oz of 98% columbian pure never landed and 16ounces of blue thai, oh yes and 3 grammes of methamphetamine

yer i could see that happening, type of shit sambo pulls wen hes fucked up,, wich is rather often

night all.


Well-Known Member
No offense lads, but any of you who are old enough to remember the 80's, even the small football casual gang I was in were Petrol bombing cunts, attacking trains, swords were the order of the day in some cases....aye good on ya Pols, fighting in the Naughties is so....well 80's really, lmfao. Fukkin Middle Earth! lol.....

Lech Poznan U11 match in 2009 as an example.


Standard procedure for their matches regardless of the age range of the players, it's all about the ruck in Poznan and when the lads are all fucking gangsta neo nazi nutters you've fuck all to say!

Note the time on the clock lads at the start......

0-0 and 34 seconds in, this is kick off!

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
silk road dont take paypal? lol
wasn;t for SR ;)
bout time we gave the lemon a break guys yeah threats of violence online aint the one, but hes trying.
lemon kind is good peoples, well gets my vote, he's canny.

fuck no one likes ic3 and he's been here years :razz: just fuckin with ya mate
but what do u do when someone sticks a tazer on ya, or a knife in the face dont matter how big anyone is theres kids out there who would kill ya for fun with knifes n guns etc
fucking right, it's first punch or your fucked, only kids up here that carry tazers are guarding grows. toon is still old school as fuck.
I live in Bradford mate, it's militant......
i seen they had a knife amnesty a while back most of them were the paki kukri knives.

they keep to themselves up here, it's exactly the same drug scene they just don't deal to white lads haha and their prices are way fuckin higher, nee sense robbing your own daft twats