The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
It looks stretchy and viney like the s1 dog, but the fan leaves are throwing me, very skinny pinnate looking. It should have some funk by now, looks like it's past pre-flower stage. Stems smell of anything?
its still got the tomato plant sort of smell. theres are no crystals that i can see yet. they should start coming in a few more days now. they were 12/12 from seed and are about 6 weeks old. ive been able to see hairs for 2-3 weeks


Well-Known Member
It looks stretchy and viney like the s1 dog, but the fan leaves are throwing me, very skinny pinnate looking. It should have some funk by now, looks like it's past pre-flower stage. Stems smell of anything?
My dog has big fat squat leaves .


Well-Known Member
fucking time goes slower when you only got a few weeks left dont it :( will be wanting xmas to come after this one lol

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
the owners see they could never rival the road and done everyone for the money simples yman.....
BMR is still around and that hasn't got anywhere near the custom that SR has.

What I'm trying to say is that I don't think it was ever intended to be a rival for SR, I think it could well have been a scam from the beginning.
I've spoken to whoever that Kevin Murphy guy really was about his intentions personally, him and that Joey crank pretty much told me that's what they intended to do with an on line drug shop. As soon as he came across SR in a figure of speech his eye's lit up, he got banned from here and then just went mental towards that goal.
I was a member of all 3 sites he ripped off before I lost track, then less than a year later Atlantis pops up, trades for a while and then falls to exactly the same scam that Kev said he was planning, a slightly tweaked version of the one he'd all ready pulled 3 times.

It could be all coincidental of course but me knowing what I know it's some big coincidence.

Mind you the missus went for a job interview last week with a guy who has the same name as me, first name and last name so strange things do happen. lol

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
how much you reckon they made with the scam?
I think he took about £1500 from TC members the first time he did it after getting banned from here. IC3 might remember, he got ripped off and he coded the site.

After that fuck knows, he just got more ingenious, opening fake seed vendor threads all linked to him.

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
dont even seem worth it really for 1500 when you look at what they reckon sr makes.
A free £1500 is a free £1500 mate.
It cost him fuck all to pull the scam cos he ripped IC3 for the coding, he got the admin to chip in hosting and pretended he was too.

It'll all never beat the Tony76 scam on SR though, that guy did it proper. lol