The UK Growers Thread!


Active Member
going to pick up some molasses in a little while, any of u lot use it in soil before???

anyone recommend the best amount per liter of water to use? ive never tried it before but gonna use it along side the ripen now to finish the girls off


Well-Known Member
going to pick up some molasses in a little while, any of u lot use it in soil before???

anyone recommend the best amount per liter of water to use? ive never tried it before but gonna use it along side the ripen now to finish the girls off
i used that mollasses years ago, didnt really have much of a clue back then and pretty much destroyed the whole crop with the stuff, i was obviously using way way too much, zedd is using mollases and ripen at the min in soil, best to ask him i reckon.


Well-Known Member
my missis dose xmas shoping all year round so she don't have to buy at last min she got everything and wraped them already missis wants to pass her driving test so that's what she getting off me paying for lessons ect....dunno wtf im getting....but yer its all for the kids nice cein there faces on xmas day....


Well-Known Member
i think using molasses as a flush is pointless i could be wrong, but think its really spose to be used much earlier i dont no all the science behind it but do remember reading up on it years ago.


Well-Known Member
going to pick up some molasses in a little while, any of u lot use it in soil before???

anyone recommend the best amount per liter of water to use? ive never tried it before but gonna use it along side the ripen now to finish the girls off
im doin tablespoon molasses to 10 litres of water alternating with the ripen....I have no idea if this will do anything im just tryin it out to see


Active Member
im doin tablespoon molasses to 10 litres of water alternating with the ripen....I have no idea if this will do anything im just tryin it out to see
im using the organic mollasis, thers no too much or to little, been using it since week 2 and they smell luch, green as fuk and 3 have taken up my 8ft x room, livers honk too,

got my ripen today, 7.99 for half a litre, snorted! last week of pk then ripen these bitches, 5ml per it says on bottle

i half fill my bucket, about 7 litres get a spoon of mollasis in a small bowl and add boiling water to mix it in then just tip into bucket

just make sure its


Active Member
that's the old theory mate, roots can uptake complex molecules by active transport, just not much......molasses can add flavour for sure
i agree fo sure, i have these plants on mollasis and i have some sumwer else, same strain ame everything just no mollasis and mine are lot sweeter smelling for sure, and the buds are much sticker and heavier


Well-Known Member
I used the organic in last 2 weeks 1 table spoon to 5 ltr didn't do much for me......flavour wise ect.....but only way u can find out if dose anything for your crop is try eh?


Active Member
man why do u always do this? just coz u have scoured google and havent tried it yourself and have sum stupid scientific explanation, how do u know.,? i do know coz like i said some are getting and some arent so u can see a direct coparison? u need to realise u dont know eveyrthing about everthing and just accept what people KNOW, and are doing and have done, just coz u have red sumwer sum mad fucking reasoning this n that, dont make it so,, this is why we start arguing coz u make urself out to be sum ace grower whoknows evrything about everything, and u arent and u dont,

I used the organic in last 2 weeks 1 table spoon to 5 ltr didn't do much for me......flavour wise ect.....but only way u can find out if dose anything for your crop is try eh?
flavour i dont know, but sweet smelling stickier buds, fo sure
Just so we all understand......

"A mycorrhiza (Gk. μυκός, mykós, "fungus" and ριζα, riza, "roots", pl. mycorrhizae or mycorrhizas) is a symbiotic (generally mutualistic, but occasionally weakly pathogenic) association between a fungus and the roots of a vascular plant.

In a mycorrhizal association, the fungus colonizes the host plant's roots, either intracellularly as in arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF or AM), orextracellularly as in ectomycorrhizal fungi. They are an important component of soil life and soil chemistry.

Mycorrhizae form a mutualistic relationship with the roots of most plant species.

This mutualistic association provides the fungus with relatively constant and direct access to carbohydrates, such as glucose and sucrose. The carbohydrates are translocated from their source (usually leaves) to root tissue and on to the plant's fungal partners. In return, the plant gains the benefits of the mycelium's higher absorptive capacity for water and mineral nutrients due to the comparatively large surface area of mycelium: root ratio, thus improving the plant's mineral absorption capabilities."

If you feed the sugars directly to the bacteria via the soil with something like molasses then this removes the need to translocate from the plant, ergo improved efficiency to a natural system.

It's noob myth busting 101 ffs!



Active Member
photo.JPG well this is what i got, went into Holland & barrett they never ad any blackstrap so will this shit do the trick,

and i know opinions vary on molasses but thought i'd give it a try as u never know properly till u try it urself