The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
lol my missis tried her best to get away from me smashing her bak doors in last hurts it hurts..........tuff pinned her down hand over mouth she had no fuking choice...lmaoooooo
think that's called rape mate haha


Well-Known Member
its a lumatek haha erra ill take it as it comes costs me like 18c per kw so pretty pricey n I have to vent into the room so with 400 its grand but 600 ill have to keep the door adjar. But I know what your saying, makes more sense but for the first run anyway imma just try 400 but don't get me wrong ill defo see if I can handle the 600 n keep my temps if so I just might go mad lol but with the 400w ill have about 4-8 42W CFLs alone the 4 corners for the lower branches. But sure fuck it ,ill play by year.
mate i use a 600w for veg and add in a 400w during flowering, also run a 300w cfl in another tent, all in same room and i also have to vent back into the room but with a good enough fan and if i leave the windo open a little my temps are fine usually about 26-28c with lights on and 18-20c lights off, dont scrimp on light it will decrease ur yield which means les cash and more overhead, simple maths really


Well-Known Member
IMG_20131109_223932_760.jpg had a good day at the wedding doo even better when I found an 8th of weed in the car park well the nephew did bless him the eagle eyed little fucker bet if I weren't there he would of had it lmao. So good night all in all ;).. oh and Yeh paddy sounds good mate st least try the 600 you should be able to keep temps down this time of year mate good luck ;)


Well-Known Member
mate i use a 600w for veg and add in a 400w during flowering, also run a 300w cfl in another tent, all in same room and i also have to vent back into the room but with a good enough fan and if i leave the windo open a little my temps are fine usually about 26-28c with lights on and 18-20c lights off, dont scrimp on light it will decrease ur yield which means les cash and more overhead, simple maths really
I've a pretty sweet fan but if my gf gives out im blaming you .." but the stranger online said its ok" lol.


Well-Known Member
View attachment 2888386 had a good day at the wedding doo even better when I found an 8th of weed in the car park well the nephew did bless him the eagle eyed little fucker bet if I weren't there he would of had it lmao. So good night all in all ;).. oh and Yeh paddy sounds good mate st least try the 600 you should be able to keep temps down this time of year mate good luck ;)
thanks a million for the info one of the reasons I came on here is englands pretty much the same climate wise n product wise...and you guys nearly talk as much shit as us hahaha


Well-Known Member
lol well I think quite a few uk lads in here wld put overseas growers to shame......
thanks a million for the info one of the reasons I came on here is englands pretty much the same climate wise n product wise...and you guys nearly talk as much shit as us hahaha


Well-Known Member
Yeah mines bang on 25 at the moment n I have like a CFM in there of 100...ish so I suppose I read 2 many foreign journals hahaha


Well-Known Member
I know, englands pretty well know for smoke in general, I liked in Manchester a few years. @ Gary lol @ eventually lol I do prefer to learn through trial n error lol so far its fucked me over..i like those odds haha


Well-Known Member
I know, englands pretty well know for smoke in general, I liked in Manchester a few years. @ Gary lol @ eventually lol I do prefer to learn through trial n error lol so far its fucked me over..i like those odds haha
mate i fucked my fair share of grows in my time, fuck i started off in 2ltr plastic bottles on my windowsill lmao, then moved onto a cardboard box with a cfl and no fans, needless to say got no bud from either grow lol, then spent a year researching a learning and for last 2 years ive had nothing but success ( apart from 1 unlucky run with regular seeds), trial and error is always best nobodyy starts off as the perfect grower, and no atter how good we get there i alway more to learn and better ways of doing it.

PICT0416 (2).jpgPICT0419.jpgDSC_0048.jpgDSC_0046.jpgPICT0415 (2).jpg some very old pics of mine lol


Well-Known Member
I was watching a documentary about England's boom in cannabis I'm sure it said police seized over 2b in cannabis last year fucking idiots take 10% tax on that if it were legal.think of what it could do to the Nhs,schools,fire service and what not its such a shame were so far behind in technology and basic law its a shame man a real shame


Well-Known Member
mate i fucked my fair share of grows in my time, fuck i started off in 2ltr plastic bottles on my windowsill lmao, then moved onto a cardboard box with a cfl and no fans, needless to say got no bud from either grow lol, then spent a year researching a learning and for last 2 years ive had nothing but success ( apart from 1 unlucky run with regular seeds), trial and error is always best nobodyy starts off as the perfect grower, and no atter how good we get there i alway more to learn and better ways of doing it.

View attachment 2888426View attachment 2888427View attachment 2888428View attachment 2888429View attachment 2888430 some very old pics of mine lol
yeah I been reading about 9 months got hooked lol seriously its awesome got the growers bible anyone have any other suggestions...books wise lol im pretty baked haha.and online journals are fucking awesome except when U click one that seems awesome to start then the fucker abandons the thread...cock mongers!


Well-Known Member
I've smoked some amazing bud over there man I lived near Holland for a while n the bud I got in Holland was on par with some of the bud I had in England (but I did get shit at times 2 haha.


Well-Known Member
yer but cmon our weather climate indoors ect we don't do 2 bad ay.....
Only messing with ye profile locations overseas lol. Should get a fan in ur room too imc, I reckon when the plants are small it makes the stems far thicker and stronger plants, try it next run you'll notice a difference