The UK Growers Thread!

never heard of spraying plants with milk cos theve got defs,. there gonna be lemon cheese mate ...........why....... its borderline entertainment what u do to plants......milk ffs...spray eeeuuuuugh.......... come on u botrytis theres plenty of stale milk to feast on

hahaha sparying em with milk at a 2:9 ratio mixed with water.......

its an all organic method to stop powdery mildew, and occasionally other viruses.....the outdoor yanks use it to stop magjor outbreaks.... Obv you wash it off lol.........

i was desperate lol......

i cant believe removing the leafs worked....if its a nute problem what was the cause if you can pin point it.....ive never had an exp like today before man......strangeways i tell ya...
@lemon pulling the leaves isn't gonna fix the problem mate, the leaves look the way they do because the plant is using the nutrients stored in those leaves that's h
How you tell what the def is by seeing what the plant is using, depending on what it's lacking and cannabalising itself for, basically if your plants remain deficient the leaf problem will carry on returning.
hahaha sparying em with milk at a 2:9 ratio mixed with water.......

its an all organic method to stop powdery mildew, and occasionally other viruses.....the outdoor yanks use it to stop magjor outbreaks.... Obv you wash it off lol.........

i was desperate lol......

i cant believe removing the leafs worked....if its a nute problem what was the cause if you can pin point it.....ive never had an exp like today before man......strangeways i tell ya...

oily lookin marks on papery leaves like on ur photo as ive said 2 x b4 ......phos def......also u got browning roots......u r fukin the basics up then chuckin milk at em, wheres the pm........uv is the modern way but don't let me stop the dairy foliar fukem I goota see if it kills the pm that isn't there lmao
Heya mate, just researching n drawing up plans to convert my cupboard into a SOG using either 15cm square pots or 3L coke bottles(13cm), need to get the yield on the up n up to pay for future endeavours lol

What you up to today mate?
@lemon pulling the leaves isn't gonna fix the problem mate, the leaves look the way they do because the plant is using the nutrients stored in those leaves that's h

ok pulling the leafs did help the canopy in that it was croweded and humid at canopy level.... too much growth packed together......

but as you say didn't help with the nute deff.....
How you tell what the def is by seeing what the plant is using, depending on what it's lacking and cannabalising itself for, basically if your plants remain deficient the leaf problem will carry on returning.

yep i hear ya.....the only reason i didn't think nute def is cause i gave them a fresh res the nite before (this is were i went wrong).......
oily lookin marks on papery leaves like on ur photo as ive said 2 x b4 ......phos def......also u got browning roots......u r fukin the basics up then chuckin milk at em, wheres the pm........uv is the modern way but don't let me stop the dairy foliar fukem I goota see if it kills the pm that isn't there lmao

ok ok lol....well i was desperate...i only used milk on one of my kings kuts.....i had pm in my head cause it was happening to the seeds don sent me.....he had pm at the i had no idea what was happening i thought it might have laied dormant i was wrong....

roots are fine they get slightly discoloured from the Dutch pro if you saw them slightly further down they would be the same white as that large tap root you see in that pick......

veins on one of my kings kuts have turned purple on the stem so i knew what the prob was there.....but no red veins on slh x sc....

with the slh x sc i finally found the cause as i was pottering about yday....
No enough air exchange..was not venting into another room....basically environment has changed (moved tent to another much colder room) hydro enviro is everything.....but this was only the start of the prob..
.. a fucking human error ....when i gave them the fresh res the night before i done something i have never done....

norm i remove all plants and then mix res....add plants.....

this time i replaced the water but ran out of spare clean buckets, i then added the slh x sc back to the res....THEN .... Added the nutes etc when the plant was in gussing they don't like this at all.....and that's what lead to them being all out off sink......i say this because i still haven't changed the res and they are back to norm (its the fact i didn't change the res and it cleared up that lead me to belive it wasn't a nute def......)

so lesson learnt lol......

oh and ill take some more piks later not only can you go from blinding to dead in 5hrs you can also go from dead to blinding over

ta for all ya help lads, nice one zedd (its a kunt when you have to repeat yaself eh ;) ).......
Easy chaps what's new then? Exo is rooting out nicely now starting to see a nats cod of growth lol...drug test tonight risky tackle got me piss in condoms and a pair if briefs to keep it all nice snug n warm lmao I'm sure I'll be fine
Bizzle ya dont need to hide fuck all from em bro trust me its upto you wot u do outta work mate just be truthfull be4 they test u lol they aint doin shit cus ya smoke a bit of green mate or coke crack smack ive known gaffa's be tested and found out mate its no biggy