The UK Growers Thread!

wot seeds are gd to grow? please help

it was the please help that got me lol

anything from mr nice but they are all regulars so u gotta sex em etc or anything from serious seeds theres plenty more but you wont go too wrong with either of them breeders.

from mr nice id go for shit or critical mass, serious personally id go for white russian or the bubblegum.
If it means paying 350 a oz of shit mate stop smokeing,or start growing but don't charge the price you said make it affordable for all smokers 225 to be down south, because everthing is more expensive and the quilaty is never the same,ie larger/beer watered down and about £5.00/£6.00 a pint.start your own operation and you will never have to buy shit again,has long has you keep your grow under raps.TELL NO ONE I MEAN NO ONE ALOT OF JELOUSE PEOPLE OUT THERE.I'm not a hater of the south just a lover of the north.For the price you are paying for one oz £350 you could be set up with a nice little unit it will take 6 plants and produce a min 12 oz,but this is if you have problem's with the grow.Do your research before going into growing by seeing downloads like see more buds,jorge creventes and you should pull good weights.My advice would be use advance nute's,No other nutes can touch it i tried most.So simple to use i don't even ph now and will be willing to help you if you need help with my feeding chart.also go for a plant that you either you like,if its for you i only grow for me so i get what i like.But if you are growing to get shut of abit to mates then take there suggestions into account,but for first time grow go with ak47/northern lights from samsarah £19.99 for 3 seeds but order from attitude at the begining of the month to get there news letter,then you will recive 4 seeds free plus the ones you ordered when you spend £15 use code 420 for 10 % off is plant combined with these nute is amazeing mate i have two on the go now and they will produce 4/5 oz each easy,lovely smelling full of crystals and a joy to grow.Go to a shop called the,you will pick a 600 hps light carbon filter,exaust fan and a tent that is 4ft by 4ft by 8 ft tall for around 280.Water by hand till you get to grips with growing use soil and perlite i buy bio bizz or canna soil,you will get 6 plant's in if you flower at a ft or just over.I have 6 in the same set up now but i updated to a bigger exaust fan and put a cool hood in instead of the bat wing that comes with the tent.If you can afford it buy both they will sort you a nice deal out but do ya own mate.It is the only way any advice inbox me...................peace
Hi. Noobie here. I know it wasn't directed at me, but thanks for the information. Just done a little order from attitude seeds. Order 3 pic n mix and they are sending 4 other seeds! And the 420 code - brilliant! Thanks again!¬!
sorry but thats bollax m8 dont mean to be offensive or rude but i no ''friends'' who are getting rid of 10s,20s, and more all at 200+ in 3different countys of the uk.

No thats fine im just gobsmacked people will pay that, im fairly new to the game but personally i have never paid more than 180 for an ounce, i just didnt see anyone paying 200, especially when there are people in an estate hardly 2 miles from me that sell ounces for 120quid. how do you compete with that selling at 200?

can you just explain how the can afford to buy 10zips at 200. when the dealer only makes say 250? are your "friends" selling direct to to dime bag dealer if not how much are they selling it on at and wheres the profit in it?
i had no idea i could shift it at that price but i sure as hell will be trying from now on.
250 is beginning to become the new ounce price in my area with prices even reaching 280+ (thats meant to be so called imported from amsterdam)
No thats fine im just gobsmacked people will pay that, im fairly new to the game but personally i have never paid more than 180 for an ounce, i just didnt see anyone paying 200, especially when there are people in an estate hardly 2 miles from me that sell ounces for 120quid. how do you compete with that selling at 200?

can you just explain how the can afford to buy 10zips at 200. when the dealer only makes say 250? are your "friends" selling direct to to dime bag dealer if not how much are they selling it on at and wheres the profit in it?
i had no idea i could shift it at that price but i sure as hell will be trying from now on.

Think about it. Most dealers sell at £10 per gram so if he buys 5oz for 1k he will make £400 profit and if he's good at his job that will be shifted in 2-3days, prob less. Good wage for a couple of days work
wow. what the fuck have i been playing at then, no wonder they keep asking for more. I just thought i had killer bud.

I was selling ounces for 100 to start with and ended up selling the last few at 150
and if i sold small bags i sold 10 bags at 1.7 and 20 bags at 3.5.

ok times are changing ill just have to tell everyone that theres a big market so if they want it its 200 an ounce.
tenner a gram is standard down south up in the toon i rarely see full ounces for sale good named strains only if you know the source and then usually in shady 20's. oz'z of chink cabbage will go for 150-160 all day everyday. who wants thats shit tho. put yourself at the top of the primo tree and charge what ever you like.

I only help friends out and i know im not making as much as i could be, but its worth the piece of mind knowing no ones coming to machete you for a fucking grand or two.
yeah i suppose and im not the one selling it at 2g a bag either.

anyway on a different note..

Im planning an outdoor grow this summer, i have a feeling its going to be a scorcher.
have 6 chronic being planted after my current grow in early april,
5 clones from each end of april
root them for a week
and then transplant 30 healthy clones to my chosen spot on the 7th may.
If i can get 4 ounce a plant (with its 4 month veg) by october ill be laughing.

can we talk outdoor uk for a while?
anyone with any experiance would be greatfully received. :)
tenner a gram is standard down south up in the toon i rarely see full ounces for sale good named strains only if you know the source and then usually in shady 20's. oz'z of chink cabbage will go for 150-160 all day everyday. who wants thats shit tho. put yourself at the top of the primo tree and charge what ever you like.

I only help friends out and i know im not making as much as i could be, but its worth the piece of mind knowing no ones coming to machete you for a fucking grand or two.

What would you class as cabbage then?
my last grow was Chronic and AK47 both serious seeds and it knocked my socks off.
this grow i have Chronic, cheese and blue cheese.
tenner a gram is standard down south up in the toon i rarely see full ounces for sale good named strains only if you know the source and then usually in shady 20's. oz'z of chink cabbage will go for 150-160 all day everyday. who wants thats shit tho. put yourself at the top of the primo tree and charge what ever you like.

I only help friends out and i know im not making as much as i could be, but its worth the piece of mind knowing no ones coming to machete you for a fucking grand or two.

Ah so your a Geordie m8. Just Scottish people with the shit kicked out of them. LOL. Chinky weed is rife in my area too but its rotten. No crystals and just gives you a sore head. People have the cheek to sell it at £180 an oz
What would you class as cabbage then?
my last grow was Chronic and AK47 both serious seeds and it knocked my socks off.
this grow i have Chronic, cheese and blue cheese.
i grew serious bubblegum last round it is killer all of serious seeds are properly bred, have little to no pheno variation. and are the back bones to a lot of other strains.
chink cabbage is chink cabbage man, it kinda smells like green but not like skunk generally has been shaken for the trichs, you can do a joint and 15 mins later need another. thats cabbage to me.
Ah so your a Geordie m8. Just Scottish people with the shit kicked out of them. LOL. Chinky weed is rife in my area too but its rotten. No crystals and just gives you a sore head. People have the cheek to sell it at £180 an oz
hahah aye black and white till i die man. aye we got kicked all over by the jocks then our own for stopping so close to the jocks haha were hard as nails daft as brushes. just dont mention the football....
I hate football me, dont mind watching the odd game when im baked though, makes me laugh that the tangerines are only 3 points behind you though. not that i give a shit or anything.

heres a video of my last grow... ignore the growers name at the end, had to open a new account because i go tbaked and paranoid about my old one, annoyed a few people when i said i got busted when i didnt to clear some heat. long story, all is forgiven.
and yes the chronic (left forground) hermied but luckily the pollen was dud so no worries. could have ended badly, it was my first grow and i didnt see it untill too late. lucky me.

@DGT you have got one of our old players there. Peter Lovenkrands. Flatters to deceive. Scored some important goals for us though. Ive got about an oz of chink weed in the flat. A m8 actually gave it to me after he bought it. Didn't want any cash, just handed me it. Shows how bad it is. It will get smoked when I next have a party. 6am in the morning, everyone sniffed looking like mere cats, needing something to do, thats when I'll produce the chink weed. Might just take the edge off it
I was about to go for a job interview when i remembered my cat had jumped into my grow tent.
i bent down to pick her up and when i lifted my head up it hit the hps... not only that but it burnt fuck out of my hair (hairspray) and hair stuck to the bulb...
I HAVE to g oout now and they are in flower so i have to leave the bulb on ..

No worries right? it wont blow unless it gets cold water on it right??
Im such an idiot. i have a feeling ill go out anf find my flat in flames when i get back.
