The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
Not anymore, study Micro-G environment but did you not notice that the video was edited at 49 seconds? (Look again)

The smoking gun is loose water! :lol:
To reduce the gravity to one thousandth of that on Earth one needs to be at a distance of 200,000 km.
Location Gravity due to Total
Earth Sun rest of Milky Way
Earth's surface 9.81 m/s2 6 mm/s2 200 pm/s2 = 6 mm/s/yr 9.81 m/s2
Low Earth orbit 9 m/s2 6 mm/s2 200 pm/s2 9 m/s2
200,000 km from Earth 10 mm/s2 6 mm/s2 200 pm/s2 up to 12 mm/s2
6 million km from Earth 10 μm/s2 6 mm/s2 200 pm/s2 6 mm/s2
3700 million km from Earth 29 pm/s2 10 μm/s2 200 pm/s2 10 μm/s2
Voyager 1 (17,000 million km from Earth) 1 pm/s2 500 nm/s2 200 pm/s2 500 nm/s2
0.1 light-year from Earth 400 am/s2 200 pm/s2 200 pm/s2 up to 400 pm/s2

So to reduce the gravity to a micro-g environment you would have to be at a height of at least 200,000km(ish) from what i understand and the highest flying planes fly between 35-60`odd thousand feet (18.28800 kilometres), so that leaves a difference of over 170,000 km unaccounted for???


Well-Known Member
Also, other thing i have trouble with is that, pushing forward on the controls of an aircraft for over 30-35 seconds as it enters that stage of the parabola would result in the aircraft either pointing straight down at the floor, or actually rotating past that point, neither of which would allow the parabola to continue, also it would push most commercial airliners/cargo planes past their safe operating limits as they are not designed to operate in an inverted dive environment( although they physically can as chuck yeager proved)

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member

What they can do SAE faking a zero gravity flight no problem what so ever
From a conversation I found on the deep net one time with a Russian physicist.
Apparently the Chernobyl melt down was caused by them trying to power their version of HAARP with the nuclear plant and there was a power surge fucking shit up royally.

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
It's all fucking nasty.

Wait until DARPA have their way and the police/military are mechanised.

It's coming fast, I've been saying it long before Boston Dynamics released the Atlas and PETman videos.


Well-Known Member
This is NASA Rimmer.
Right......An they have found a way to defy the laws of physics and over 100years of aviation FACT have they?

NASA or not, if you enter a parabola in a commercial aircraft/cargo plane even at the maximum aircraft type operating ceiling, then push forwards on the control for over 35 seconds leaving you pointing at between 80 and 150 degrees of negative angle, in an inverted dive then you would hit the floor before being able to pull up.

If you actually look up the technical specs for most aircraft of that size and weight then once in an inverted dive they can lose up to 20-30,0000ft/min, now bearing in mind that only gives you 2mins of diving from say 60k ft as a ball park figure, out of that 2 mins around 40-70 seconds would be completing the (now inverted) parabola you have just executed, this now leaves you around 70 seconds to stop a few hundred ton aircraft diving at the floor at a speed of over 400mph, which you cannot even do until you have righted the aircraft( which will take upto 20-30seconds) and if you think you can pull an aircraft that size out of a 400+mph dive from an inverted position in less than 40`ish seconds without crashing then you are officially a better pilot than chuck yeager