The UK Growers Thread!

i wont say it again grow a set boys, DARKNET lab tested dutch e's best ur get
What are their prices like? I'm very tempted was looking at buying some bitcoins but fuck me from where n did anyone find out where you could buy '.' of a coin?
What are their prices like? I'm very tempted was looking at buying some bitcoins but fuck me from where n did anyone find out where you could buy '.' of a coin?
its all very easy and you no your me eu wanker mate so ill guide u threw it if u wanted

prices min i think is 2 and your pay 8-10 each or 100 is like 400-500 but they are proper fucking e's mate, ask don ask mg carnt think of anyone else whos had the minerals to order lolol
Yeah don rates the pills online that was off sr tho....ha not hadany pills for years a good 10 year lol...I got a low tolerance for chizel anyway so Yeh I'll go easy on it lol
Cheng and trimming haha I'd ruin everything.

biggest mistake i ever made was when i first started i had bout 30oz to trim alone so thought it was be a good idea to get some phet to help, i fucking hate the shit is poor mans coke just a dirty drug but anyway in my infinate wisdom i got a g or 2 of phet and started trimming, big mistake i got so paranoid it was unreal i couldnt even listen to music cause i thought it was the sirens from the feds lolol
looks like im talking to meself for a bit then lol

funny old world we live in, all the tech n democracy in most places yet countrys are still fucking stoning people to death??? i just read they passed a law in sudan recent that if you marry a Christian n give up islam then thats a death sentance lol speaking of death sentances the yanks carnt get there death drugs no more all the euro pharms dont want no part of it, so now they using all sorts, lol

fucking price of mens clothes is a joke, i just got a couple of pair of jeans i wanted levis but even on ebay they costing llike 70 fucking quid! ended up getting a couple of pairs of wranglers nice jeans n half the price lol
Hahaha Rambos wired go on my son lol......I heard the last death sent ace USA gave had the bloke wriggling for half hour before he died so Yeh they must be playing around with it lol.....don't wear jeans anymore I'm a chino or joggers man now lol