Sound bud...
I've been looking for new gear n that mountain air filters tidy with its 3yr guarantee!! I've been using the manrose mix-flo fan n have been pleased with the low db but it is a bang tiny fan you got.
I've been looking for new gear n that mountain air filters tidy with its 3yr guarantee!! I've been using the manrose mix-flo fan n have been pleased with the low db but it is a bang tiny fan you got.
The 6' mountain filters going for about 1200 on ebay tis reasonable as are your fans mate... Might even puck up one of em 6' fans niggas making cray cray promises of up to 12db quieter....Sssshit
Yeah imma dispose of mine at work lol throw a shirt over it or write "books" along the side of it lol.I'll definitely be getting that filter instead of a generic ebay model n I'll probably get the fan 2 but I'll read a bit on it first, saw a bit on icmag on it
sat in my lounge with window open i can smell the purple from upsatirs blwoing in thru the window. got the flower tent ducting ot the upstairs bathroom with its windows open, hmm i may need to finsally attach my filter,
and u mean 120 not 1200 right? even for money to burn HG 1200 is a bit much for a fan
went up closed bathroom windows lol,,, cant aford to loose 20% of my extractuion gunn have to wing it for a few days
Maybe is aye, I been on the beer since 9 this morning m8 I can hardly see never mind typs ffs
He's been drinking all day n he's easier to understand than You lol
"pisshead wassup paddys day or sum shit?"Cheers relax, that man talks some shit some times don't he lol
aiming air at the bulb is how u warm a tent not cool it ....noobOpen the top vents up n pop some ducting in there n point a fan at the bulb n see if that helps..
...have you tried turning it off n on again? Lol
why u posting this shit relax?You know when ppl say they aren't celiac but gluten intolerant...well their full of shit lol,