The UK Growers Thread!

Its cool ice, not like u been growing for yrs or anything...oh shit nvm

fukoff cunt, lol this is the first op ive had wer i cant gain access wen needed pissing me off

anyways u ready fro this , week7 flower

1 word
LESSON. LEAST ITS ONLY 1 PLANT, glad im orderin the etxractor this heats killing me. and them
Morning, lads... wake n bakes should be mandatory.
Ice I'm busting ur balls bud lol

Is that string even holding it up or it it just for aesthetics?
Morning, lads... wake n bakes should be mandatory.
Ice I'm busting ur balls bud lol

Is that string even holding it up or it it just for aesthetics?

both LOL,,, no shit mate i normally feed at 7pm just after lighst cumon, i was out so kids go bed at 8pm, couldnt get up till 9am next morning, and BAM, thats how she looks, she MAY come bak as the leaves are soft NOT crispy we shall see, fucking hell this heats killing me,
I suppose false hopes as good as any lol.

First wake n bake now morning sex brah brah imma pop in her eyes n shout surprise
don't bin it man its fine to hang trim and sell, dry her rite out hanging 2 weeks cure shell be a smoke

i was thinking the self and same thing? garry pulled sum of his at week 6 if i remeber, just PISSED about it, il maybe leave till the morrow if she aint perked up shes history, plus gives me more room in me flower tent. fucking huge collosal thing,
That purple looks swd ic . It will bounce back mad colas on them plants . Can't believe nobody kept it

i gave her 2 l of feed last night she is still heavy, shes on water from tonight, fingers x;d il give her the cursery 2 days if she dont start to bounce bak shes dust. got bigger fish to fry
You should know ice when in flower do NOT EVER let your girls go thirsty lol happend to me ages ago just the 1 plant but once they droop they never come back.....I'm just knocking another 20 litres up for mine now every couple of days now doing me head in lol
You should know ice when in flower do NOT EVER let your girls go thirsty lol happend to me ages ago just the 1 plant but once they droop they never come back.....I'm just knocking another 20 litres up for mine now every couple of days now doing me head in lol

mate was 12-15 hrs late for a feed and ther on daily. so not a lot i can do, i simply missed it, everything else is fine. soon as i get the temps down everything will start running like clockwork again

gary took a PP at 6 weeks lol,,, id rather she come bak but we will see innit blad.
Ice ya cunt how did u manage to fuck the lovely big healthy purps that close to finish,
I did chop 1 pp at 6 and half weeks because it snapped, was still ok but not the best, the other pp I had came down just aft 8 weeks and was a much nicer smoke,
I've had dry patches in flower before . they've always responded well with a good water . I once had a plant in the room for ages after the chop with just tiny shitty buds on which I couldn't be assed to sling the rest of the plant & I didn't water it for a while it survived for ages