The UK Growers Thread!

yeh def think the purp has kacked it, had to turn 1 of the 6 hunnis of tilll i get new extractor clocking 36 n shit, fukufkuk lol nowt stopping me throwing the ghoji and dog in flower but id rather wait a week or 2
oh yeah the butter, well i truely fucked that i usually do 2hr high 2hr low in a slow cooker works everytime done it many many times but due to various situations i ended up cooking 231g of trim n popcorn in 500g of ghee and few cups of water for over 12hr on warm, fuck nos what happend but im leftd with 31g of cannaghee i can only presume this to be some strong shit seeing as the amount of trim etc used but fuck nos what went wrong ok u never get all back you put in but 31g from 500g????!!!!!

on a brighter note tho did swap a 1.6kg lump of wagyu sirloin for a 3.5g henry yday tho lol
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yeh teh new wolfenstein new order one, i got custom ps3 so just donwload games, fuking paying 50 bucks for a game, sacked ps4 of for now, no games just yet, to make it worth it, watchdogs is out in 2 days thats the one u want rambo, but syaing that so its wolfenstein,,

no tv u tight arse.
oh yeah the butter, well i truely fucked that i usually do 2hr high 2hr low in a slow cooker works everytime done it many many times but due to various situations i ended up cooking 231g of trim n popcorn in 500g of ghee and few cups of water for over 12hr on warm, fuck nos what happend but im leftd with 31g of cannaghee i can only presume this to be some strong shit seeing as the amount of trim etc used but fuck nos what went wrong ok u never get all back you put in but 31g from 500g????!!!!!
Any pics of it rambo?

not at the mo but ill try, its finished now mate ive got the poxy 31g of butter in the fridge, evaporated cause of the long cook time????
Evening all, just smoking my 1st J of the day and its fucking needed,
Gonna go take dogs for last walk then chill with a bong and cpl more joints
How do rambo mate? So u fucked the butter eh? Damn no slice of cake for me, and I Love cake!, lol
yeh teh new wolfenstein new order one, i got custom ps3 so just donwload games, fuking paying 50 bucks for a game, sacked ps4 of for now, no games just yet, to make it worth it, watchdogs is out in 2 days thats the one u want rambo, but syaing that so its wolfenstein,,

no tv u tight arse.

thought i was getting more cash i could get meself a lil tele but would rather wait the day or two for something a decent size at least.

fucking dieing to play gta5 aswel but aint wasting it on nefing less than 720p