The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
Quiet in here today, every fucker must be out in the sun having a BBQ lol
I wish its been pishing down rain here all fucking day, and now I need to go back out in it again to walk the dogs, oh the joys !
I fucking forgot how slow the 1st week or so of new seedlings were there taking forever to grow lol, either that or im just too impatient, the exo is thriving under the hps now tho


Well-Known Member
All me cuts are all stood proud and the box is all sweaty so looking good my 250 will be her in a few days can't fookin wait ta get rid of this cfl there good for keeping things alive and clones that's about it


Well-Known Member
use them a good bit man,only way ta get decent stuff over here!!!!ye ya just walk in ta shop in templebar put money in machine,then scan your phone and hey presto ya have bitcoin....Ireland is first country in Europe ta have one....
There's a few in here have used them a fair bit.....hope they open them up else where


Well-Known Member
ye there a great job bud,saves all the bullshit buyin them online,if ya have any contacts in Dublin ya can trust they could get them an transfer them too ya....they buy bitcoins aswell


Well-Known Member
just make sure ya have a smart phone with a wallet,i use a pay as ya go phone that cant be tracked back too me...more for piece of mind than anything else.... ya can also buy .1 of a bitcoin from them,,hard ta get .1 bitcoin is 417e over here now


Well-Known Member
just make sure ya have a smart phone with a wallet,i use a pay as ya go phone that cant be tracked back too me...more for piece of mind than anything else.... ya can also buy .1 of a bitcoin from them,,hard ta get .1 bitcoin is 417e over here now
There's sites that do smaller amounts aswell, I was buying them when they wer £7