The UK Growers Thread!

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
lol how did you roll the cigar? I kinda reminded me of the bit in cheech and chong. Whats Thai stick? You know that shit thats tied to a stick! lol

Good shit
dude it was a reet fanny on i basically skewered some buds stuck butoned honey oil to them n stuck a load of leaves round it repeat x 20 or so n wrapped it in thread to keep it tight while it dried.

hard work but ill be doing another version soon much simpler

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
how do i make that!?!!! :D that looks taaasasty. i'm thinking i'll make cookies of some kind, not a big fan of brownies.

and as to an ounce, heh, why not i figure :D that's what my guide said :P they is going to be fabulocious

with the skewer, i'd have thought that the diameter of the cigar had to be spot on with the diameter of with the diameter of the hole, in order for it to burn out to the leaf before it burnt too far down the middle, else you'd just end up with a partially smoked "thing"
you would think so but it burnt pretty evenly down it was just hard to get a draw with that big a hole down its middle. but without skewering it god knows how id have held it all together

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
wheyyyyyyy, marijuannnnnnnnnnnnna buttttter :D realised at last second i had niether a tea strainer or a glass bowl :D all is good now though

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
spontaneous overjoyment from nothing? :D

just got and replied to a message from a friend in hospital, just hey how's iit going etc, and now for some reason i now feel an uncontrollable euphoric happiness that i've never felt ever before. madnesssssssss, i feel like a ray of sunshine :D hahahaha :eyesmoke::blsmoke:

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
hey guys.

i recently nocticed a nifty platapus/camleback style water holder, like 25L or something, but collapses on itself so as not to allow stale air in contact wit the water (and just plain old hard plastic containers) with a tap on the bottom.

at present i'm watering every day and will only drop down to every other. i've ordered a new digital ph meter, but it's still a pain ph'ing a bowl of water a day (at present my £5 meter just zaps mad between 1 and 14 on the scale the moment it get's a bit of up or down anywhere near it.

what's the safest or longest reccomended time to use water before changing it? (i figure i might be stupid seeing as how an aero grower won't change his res for months at a time)

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
so i've gotten things moving with the next grow, but all with ocmplications this time around.

firstly, 4 plants all popped, and showed funny signs, like all having odd leaf blade numbers, 5 on first set, 4 on a different one etc :D and the leaves on one are curling.

any ideas what is causing tha one?

secondly, the other 4 pots, well all the perlite seems to have turned green?!????

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
what i figured. they're only in their first small pots at present, are these gonna be gonners or will it not really present a problem?

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
well i went gardner and went through the pots removing the bad top laye, very superficial. hopefully it'll all be dandy :) odly it only effected the pots with beans that did no sprout.


New Member
Usually curling upwards leaves are caused by mag def. I don't think you could be short at this early stage. The other common cause (for indoor growers) is the heat from the light is too great. Do you think this may apply to your situation? If so, simply raise the lights a bit. :peace:

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
the soil was from the same opened bag as last time. would that effect it? they're about a week in now. the light shouldn't be a problem, it's got a cool tube and is over a foot away.


New Member
Okay then.... cool nuff.

I would think that if you kept ur extra soil dry and it isn't over a year old... there should be no worries there.

You might consider a small dose of cal/mag (epsom salts) if you haven't already added some in. It never hurts and will prevent mag def.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
theres the beer n boobies again :D

think i might have partially sorted y situation, and could be a reason everything just kinda gave up towards the end of my previous grow. just dipped my new digi ph meter into my prepped water, only it's not reading 6.5 like the 2 prong £5 ebay job, it's readind 3.1 :S gave em a good water so we'll see what happens. this would also explain the dying situation 4 of the sprouts immediately showed :D i've somehow gine and gotten two sprouts in one pot which is annoying buy not to worry :)

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
crackerjax has his old avatar back :P that;s the kinda girl i want to meet. fuck alcopops (yes, fuck em, i love them myself, but girls should drink pints!)