The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
spose its a job never fancied it meself, had a sia door supervisor license for yrs tho well bout 2yrs lol not exactly yrs runs out end of this yr i think, whats ya take on the sia just another way for the gov to get money or ja fink its done good by doing what ya say n changing doormen from bruisers etc


Active Member
@ WOWgrow...... Yea i do mate, wish i went college and uni to study it, its more of an obsession to know what the universe holds, i love getting stoned up and looking thru my telescope aswell lol


Well-Known Member
its kinda been a double edged sword really, on one hand now its regulated by the SIA( recently scrapped in the PM`s cull on quango`s) you cannot get a door/security/cctv license if you have any convictions for assault/gbh/drugs etc so thats helped with forcing a lot of the old bruisers out and replacing them with better trained, less violent staff

On the other side of the story, one of the things our company specialises in is going in and sorting out clubs/pubs/towns etc that have been allowed to be taken over by dealers an thugs etc, and unfortunately for them jobs you need the old bruisers to get ANYTHING moving, the younger lads just havent got the stones to go up against major gangsters etc

im a pub manager as my day job and go round sorting out problem pubs for the brewery( drugs/gangs etc) and we take our own doorstaff with us to each pub, last friday we had a problem with the pikeys mouthing off in the pub n stealing drinks off ppl, our older doorstaff had no problems going straight over there an telling em to behave or they would be out, 1 of em tried giving it the big i am to the bouncer an 2mins later was outside on the pavement bleeding, ya wont get that from the younger lads i tell ya


Active Member
You gota love the old bruisers tho lol, i know a 58 year old that no one would say boo to, just make sure your their mate lol.


Well-Known Member
My m8 is gettibln some weed at the minute called 'blues' . He says it is the best arround north england at the min. Was just wondering if any1 knows what exact strain that might be??


Well-Known Member
My m8 is gettibln some weed at the minute called 'blues' . He says it is the best arround north england at the min. Was just wondering if any1 knows what exact strain that might be??
livers/blues quite a few people on the site have the strain, spose to be some of the smelliest nicest smoke you can get.

not too shore but i think ive read on here that its a fucked up northan lights pheno from 1989?


Well-Known Member
dont spose any1 no's what a council electricity upgrade will entail? will they wana test all power points ja think? dunno why im asking really i no im gonna have to pack everyfing up n hide the girls fucking cunting wanky fucking council cunts!

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
@ Don......Looking proper nice there don that cherry cheese looks well tasty mate, when u choppin em??
cheers fella i reckon i'll let em run till the weekend ish
livers/blues quite a few people on the site have the strain, spose to be some of the smelliest nicest smoke you can get.
not too shore but i think ive read on here that its a fucked up northan lights pheno from 1989?
thats what i'd heard too, and it is some of the nicest smoke ive ever tried.
love the porn don, fucking lovely m8.
cheers fella!


Well-Known Member
dont spose any1 no's what a council electricity upgrade will entail? will they wana test all power points ja think? dunno why im asking really i no im gonna have to pack everyfing up n hide the girls fucking cunting wanky fucking council cunts!
down this way it normally involves re-wiring houses to get rid of all the old black n red wiring n replacing it with 3 core
, only time ive ever heard of it


Active Member
@ Don.......Nice man gona be choping my cheesewrecks the same time ish, The casey looks really nice aswell mad resin build up on the leaves, some nice hash there for ya eh lol shame about the long flowering time tho. Can anyone tell me is it possible to use GH ripen as a foliar feed aswell??


Well-Known Member
@ Don.......Nice man gona be choping my cheesewrecks the same time ish, The casey looks really nice aswell mad resin build up on the leaves, some nice hash there for ya eh lol shame about the long flowering time tho. Can anyone tell me is it possible to use GH ripen as a foliar feed aswell??
i wouldnt m8 ive seen nute burn from when used more than the recommended dose so fuck nos what it would do if sprayed straight on.


Active Member
i wouldnt m8 ive seen nute burn from when used more than the recommended dose so fuck nos what it would do if sprayed straight on.
I was thinking that aswell sambo but i was thinking maybe dilute it to 0.5ml per litre? im only feeding 4ml per litre every other watering

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
@ Don.......Nice man gona be choping my cheesewrecks the same time ish, The casey looks really nice aswell mad resin build up on the leaves, some nice hash there for ya eh lol shame about the long flowering time tho. Can anyone tell me is it possible to use GH ripen as a foliar feed aswell??
kool man is there much of a cheese representation in them? i loved the trainwreck for weight but the taste came up short

W Dragon

Well-Known Member
so what's every1 up to today then lads? i'm about to start getting stoned and doing nothing, it feels like it's been a hard day after my 20mins of hard work in the house lol


Well-Known Member
outnumbered bollocks, if you havent the stones to fucking punch a guy back your going to be walked on every day.
Call me crazy but I'd rather take a few sucker punches from one guy and walk away than jumped by a group and not walk away at the expense of a few slaps. Just my philosphy though.

@ WOWgrow...... Yea i do mate, wish i went college and uni to study it, its more of an obsession to know what the universe holds, i love getting stoned up and looking thru my telescope aswell lol
Haha, my mates always get radged at me when I bring it up when we're stoned, says it mashes their heads too much. I love thinking about it. It's never too late mate ... actually it will be when the tuition fees go up to 10k a year, lol.


Yeh I've noticed there's a lot less beefcakes on the doors in my area now, and like you said most of them are absolutely fine with you, the only time I've ever had a problem with one was when this guy who was doing mcat in the toilet said he bought it from me lol so I got kicked out, I was like wtf, let them check all my shit and even the coppers did that swipe test on my hands but I think he just didn't wanna go back on his decision. He was a roid monkey though, real redfaced as well.

The guy in that video's address name and phone number are plastered all over the youtube vids now, reckon it's probably the white supremacists raging mostly. But they have gotten really pissed off about it.