The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
morning spunk bubbles .
what a day we got ahead gotta chop it all down today just hit 9 weeks will be back in a while to post harvest pics
the plant i messaged about other day with brown rusty leaves has already been harvested and is hanging 12 oz wet so should get about 3-4 oz off it the others im expecting more we will see thou happy times
u aint getting 3-4 dry of a 12 wet
u loose 80%
so ul get maybe 2


Well-Known Member
2 will do off it as it was the runt and this was the smallest looking plant
plus got another 19 plants to harvest today got some champagne in and its going to be a long day

19 TODAY? good luck with that, u got a migrant work force?

i gott do deal with my dog, spastik twat of a mate booked me a holiday for the 11th, fucking knob!

day 64 so all good


Well-Known Member
19 TODAY? good luck with that, u got a migrant work force?

i gott do deal with my dog, spastik twat of a mate booked me a holiday for the 11th, fucking knob!

day 64 so all good
im going to need good luck last time took 2 days to do 13 plants got a couple of favours being called up so the workforce is on the boat on route
12 hours work i will get them a dixys chicken and a bottle of water


Well-Known Member
Anyone use anavar in conjunction with clomid as my pct?
Start clomid 2 weeks after last jab .... start anavar 3 days after last jab and run for 4 weeks to keep ya gains or if you plan to do another cycle soon you can stay on anavar until u start your next cycle ...
clomid is shit for pct imo ... hcg and nolva works better. .. clomid has to many stupid sides


Well-Known Member
get on the tren you lightweight! those skinny ankles need work man hahaa
S'all about the tren lmao .... that shit makes you fuck anything and then rip em apart aftetwards n fuck there limbs lol .. talk about sexual rage hahaha


Well-Known Member
Hahaha yeah imma stick with just anavar @100mg a day for 8 weeks n the pct. Not looking to get ginormous lol not gonna get that with oral only but im at 13.5 wanna be about 14 by the end of it. N you don't lose that much on various...apparently


Well-Known Member
Well fuck all to do today except get stoned and play SNES lol....only thing it only works on me small telly it won't work on the big one for some reason same scart connection but just says no signal?? What's that all about?


Well-Known Member
Well fuck all to do today except get stoned and play SNES lol....only thing me lanes only works on me small telly it won't work on the big one for some reason same scart connection but just says no signal?? What's that all about?
a lot of new TV`s cant play a LOW enough resolution for the games to display


Well-Known Member
Ahhh that's wank ain't it was thinking that could be it tellys more advanced than the console lolol mortal combat 2 is sick tho brings back a lot of memories


Well-Known Member
my mates who i'm going to see sent me loads of pics on whatsapp of them in the coffee shops there, looks just like the amsterdam ones (with similar pricing which is a bit of a let down the robbing bastards)

as for a heat wave i'd be very surprised, with the weather we have already had this year i would say one of the best summers i can remember. tenerife is the bollocks man, 4 hours away and not much reason to go further, my bro got married there (it was a sham marriage like but beautiful all the same)

my polish mate just brought his vietnamese wife to work for an intro, she didn't look as good as on the wedding videos lol
I have read a lot of spain and want to take a trip there but going anywhere from the states across the pond is expensive as shit. My buddy goes to Amsterdam all the time and keeps trying to get me to go but I'm up for spain, the fine women and nice weather and good bud.