The UK Growers Thread!

No mate ive only tried the fm2014 demo, I couldnt find a download that would work properly without crashing and I never bought it this year, no point now either the new one is out in a cpl months

yeah same here, theres no downloads of it that aint buggy to shit, im just abit bored of 2013 but ya right its pointless may as well wait for 2015
no no no get yaself a pulled pork grilled wrap with added chorizo,smoked bacon n cheese, skin on chips n garlic n herb mayo followed by ben n jerrys duo choc flavor one side cookie doe the other with a salted caramel center hmmmmmmmmmmm
??? a thread in riu? link it up sae send in the troops lmao

lol nothing major so no point in a UK thread field trip lmao

Tried telling me when growing with LED`s you HAVE to add cal-mag, i said surely only if either your nutrients,medium or both are deficient in cal-mag, he then tried to prove me wrong an ended up aggreeing with me that he adds cal-mag due to a deficiency of the stuff in his water ffs
lol nothing major so no point in a UK thread field trip lmao

Tried telling me when growing with LED`s you HAVE to add cal-mag, i said surely only if either your nutrients,medium or both are deficient in cal-mag, he then tried to prove me wrong an ended up aggreeing with me that he adds cal-mag due to a deficiency of the stuff in his water ffs

too deep for me mate i dont really know much bout led's, but i thought you only use cal-mag if its needed and if you use too much or when its not needed it can cause nute-lock?
I'm cunting starving now !

it was the bollax baz, fucking huge aswel the wrap was bursting open lol you can have the same thing in a semolina topped roll or a flatbread i just prefer the wraps, missus had bbq chicken chorizo n jalapeño wrap, the lightweight couldnt eat all her chips tho so i munched them too lolol
too deep for me mate i dont really know much bout led's, but i thought you only use cal-mag if its needed and if you use too much or when its not needed it can cause nute-lock?

Yeah thats exactly the point mate, you only add cal-mag if needed, an you only need cal-mag if you are deficient in it somehow lol, he didnt seem to get that
@ReLaX you not seen a vendor called blossom from india? hes been about a long time use to be called anchor, 100g of charas direct from india so u no its really is charas lol 3quid a gram, thats a very sellable hash mate n gos for good prices plus the vendor has real good history.
Yeah thats exactly the point mate, you only add cal-mag if needed, an you only need cal-mag if you are deficient in it somehow lol, he didnt seem to get that

hes been about a while too, some of the so called vets from the states think they know it all when quite clearly they aint got a fucking clue!
@ReLaX you not seen a vendor called blossom from india? hes been about a long time use to be called anchor, 100 of chara

hes been about a while too, some of the so called vets from the states think they know it all when quite clearly they aint got a fucking clue!

Yeah i liked his other comment as well...

" I read somewhere that even in hard water that plant cannot take up cal-mag properly.....but i dont know if its true or not" or something to that effect lmao
Yeah i liked his other comment as well...

" I read somewhere that even in hard water that plant cannot take up cal-mag properly.....but i dont know if its true or not" or something to that effect lmao

i dunno why some people feel the need to sprout there ''knowledge'' when they clearly have no idea what they talking about fuck ive seen it so many times but its just embarrassing if i dont know much about something i say so n certainly dont try give advice about sumfin i have little knowledge off???
i dunno why some people feel the need to sprout there ''knowledge'' when they clearly have no idea what they talking about fuck ive seen it so many times but its just embarrassing if i dont know much about something i say so n certainly dont try give advice about sumfin i have little knowledge off???

just part of being a yank i reckon, think they know everything n can solve everything, muggy cunts
Hello there My fellow British Peeps , Im thinking about Growing As i have had enough of buying crap weed, i have actually grown before in my garden but now i want to step my game up and grow indoors , i Have Been Looking into a Led Setup , im looking for a Led Light that will Grow Me 2 Plants at a time , if your could link me some that would do the job that would be Great Thanks :)
Hello there My fellow British Peeps , Im thinking about Growing As i have had enough of buying crap weed, i have actually grown before in my garden but now i want to step my game up and grow indoors , i Have Been Looking into a Led Setup , im looking for a Led Light that will Grow Me 2 Plants at a time , if your could link me some that would do the job that would be Great Thanks :)