The UK Growers Thread!

Just chop a branch off your crop, quick dry it and sell to some dafty. Couple of score bags. Needs and must. No way will he tic me, he learned the hard way. I tend to pay when I'm ready, do it in all aspects of business. LOL
ah mit just dae that, i could prune back some of the lower popcorn stuff and just fast dry it....mmmm.....think thatll be the plan...ah was gonny have a nite o workin on the plants anyway, feedin, removing dead leaves and general housekeepin, ahve got a load o dried leaves ah cld throw in....jist for a wee bit o extra weight!! fact fuck it thats wotz gonny have tae be done, ten score bags wid help out quite abit and the lower busd arny gonny putt much more weight on any way.
ahve been kinda lookin at them in that covetous sorta way for aboot aweek but ahve never actaully cropped anything other than a single bud early, jist for a smoke for a mate, ahm the first person tae warn ppl not to do it but times are fuckin hard rite now, ahve been kinda promised ahll be sorted oot soon but ah cant handle bein skint, ahm used tae havin a ton or two any time ah want tae hit the pub but last cpl o weeks have jist bin hellish...ah well shit happens.
That branch I broke and dried....just gave it to a friend and he just txt me and said he is super stoned of 1 joint. Now that was just over 4 weeks into flower, i cannot wait till the final product. All the Scottish growers, I could sort u out with 1.5g for £20. LOL
That branch I broke and dried....just gave it to a friend and he just txt me and said he is super stoned of 1 joint. Now that was just over 4 weeks into flower, i cannot wait till the final product. All the Scottish growers, I could sort u out with 1.5g for £20. LOL

I found with the premature quick dry stuff it gets you really high but it's a really strange high and it tastes like grass lol.
Canny believe this, the shitty pub across the road from my work is showing the Barca game 2nite in 3D. Its full of old drunks. Prob all see in 3D all the time. lol My m8's just popped in and told me he was at the swimming pool with his 2 young children as it was the youngest birthday. He was taking photo's, someone complained to the police and it was in the News of the World paper. He went mental and was arrested. He reckons they are going to put him on the sex offenders list. Not a happy chappy. What is this world coming to.
Fucking ridiculous, He should have told the guy who was kicking off that it's a public swimmingpool, so if he doesn't want people to have the ability to take photo's of semi naked children then he should be a responsible aprent and not take them there, or maybe put them in wetsuits. I know that they were trying to change the thing about parnts and cameras at school sports days, not sure if anything happened, either way, if someone told me i couldn't take photo's of my kid as he grows up and all that lot, then i think i'd storm onto the field, maybe in a 4x4 for some turf shredding, and close that fucker down!

If it's a public place, then either expect the kids to be photographed or fuck off back home :)

It would therefore be safe to bet that the children of the guy who moaned will never board a plane while he is in control, if a photo is bad, what about body scanners. More likely he~ll be an irresponsible fuck and not give it two thoughts, but the moment it's an innocent member of the public who has no authority over them, it's kick off time! For some reason i'm now picturing a kind of "nigger moment" :lol:

I found with the premature quick dry stuff it gets you really high but it's a really strange high and it tastes like grass lol.

i think you get more pure raw thc early on, later lots of other phsyco active compounds are formed, early picked bud is a lot more trippy, doesnt take much of it to hit the spot, ive always picked a few early on the way.
just had a loook at my grwo , every fuckin plant looks dead coz a stpid cunt didnt water them last nite, hope to fuck they bounce back but they look like shit, gave them all 3 litres each plus 5ml per litre of biobloom and 2mll per litre of biogrow, fingers crossed or theres gonna be a fuckin load of early cut stuff
just had a loook at my grwo , every fuckin plant looks dead coz a stpid cunt didnt water them last nite, hope to fuck they bounce back but they look like shit, gave them all 3 litres each plus 5ml per litre of biobloom and 2mll per litre of biogrow, fingers crossed or theres gonna be a fuckin load of early cut stuff

Telling you hydro aw the way m8. U wanna do that thing we were talking about