The UK Growers Thread!

pk13/14 use at 1/2ml per litre 3wks from the chop cost a 5er for a small bottle n that will last a couple of grows ya dirty peado lol
shit..... couldnt beleive it yday i see it early in the morning then went out for hsr got home n couldnt beleive the devestation, when i was watching it in the morning it didnt seem soo bad.

just reminds you not to take this world for granted, not keen on nuclear power, rather have a windmill in my garden.
Lol I know what you mean. When my mate came round to pick up a q it was at 6 and I kept putting buds on and took so long to get to 7 lol, he was chuffed though! For my mates who bought ozs I just did it at 29g for £160. I know a couple of them went and sold the whole lot for about £300 by skanking the little shits with 2.5s but doesn't bother me. Like to keep my mates happy, couldn't give a shit about my enemies ha.

can i be your mate ? :P
160, well you atop know me and my mad little ways :p although I sound generous I smoke so much there's never a.spare ounce for someone to have, but 100 for an punce is cheeky as fuck in my opinion, for what, 28 grams, tjats npthing.

My phone appears as hingover as me. Got lile 3 second delays beyween hitting letters and the phone responding. Piece of shit smart phones.
No doubt if I had a legal obligation to pay rent and taxes insurance etc I'd view money slightly differently bit for now wheeeeeeeeeeeeee

Had a friend over last night, hadn't seen him since I moved to the city a few years ago. Turns out he lives directly around the corner above the pizza place lol. Apparently all the guys from back home hav3 taken to growing their own pot, and out in the open to everones knowledge. Tis a good bot of news
just reminds you not to take this world for granted, not keen on nuclear power, rather have a windmill in my garden.

Yeh nuclear fission aint too stable, and now they face a whirlwind of nuclear shit of they do meltdown. Radioactive waste is like cancer, it just spreads and spreads and is so difficult to get rid of. Can't even begin to imagine what it would be like to be there though, fucking horrible.

160, well you atop know me and my mad little ways :p although I sound generous I smoke so much there's never a.spare ounce for someone to have, but 100 for an punce is cheeky as fuck in my opinion, for what, 28 grams, tjats npthing.

My phone appears as hingover as me. Got lile 3 second delays beyween hitting letters and the phone responding. Piece of shit smart phones.

Lol, looks like you're still drunk mate. I know the feeling only too well. A joint in the aft and a massive pizza usually sorts me out.
Hiya mate, how has that lemon and strawberry turned out? Did youbuse DNA genetics?

Anything happening with it? Where snouts r you dude? U far from midlannds? Could do with hook
Yes dude can't believe someone even suggested £100, thatsba joke, maybe for half yer lol, let
Me know on any presses, super lemon one of my favorites, I got some
A friend who runes DNA genetics can getbsome excellent strains etc,!!
lol bro i put it in the street for the bin men so do others so it cant really be traced back to me bro i know wot your sayin tho!! 10 down but its started to get to me know ill have pics for you all by sunday nite promise thats if i have nt cut my fingers off i need a little help tho as i need ideas for size as i wanna give ya guys an idea of how big the bud is but pukka already done pint and tried that already but could nt get the bud in so throw the ideas up lads and ill see if i can do it for yas peace out!!
you should be careful what goes in your bin, sometimes they check.
ahm away campin and fishin!!!! snow on the hills and everything...thats the difference wi us scots lads, hardy as fuck........and bit stupid!!!
Reads like an automated bot, gone wrong, except it would be a bit of a sophisticated one to pick up on me thinking £100 an ounce is cheeky, bizzare (although i wonder what group of poeple interested in finding our details would have the means to have such a sophisticated bit of software :lol:) that or a dumb ass 14yr old hehe

I'd love to get out camping and fishing and whatnot, unfortunately most of the actual nice rivers for fishing, well somebody owns the river bank and as such i gotta pay hefty money, let alone a rod license. What the fuck is a rod license? If i have to eat i have to eat. And is that to say that if i find the most insane salmon river in the UK, the type you wait 50 years to be able to fish, what if i just sit mid stream with my party boat nicking all the fish? Would i get arrested for tresspass of british waters or something :lol: that and i got no gear :p