The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
i don't know who to listen to so i'll take both bits of advice. but seriously lax, rohypnol?!?!? you must know what my date rape drug of choice is, rohypnol leaves them feeling they have been wronged whereas ghb makes them wake up with a smile!


Well-Known Member
Well just tell her it's a champagne hangover n if she sticks with you there will be plenty more to cum lol


Well-Known Member
Haha, that's what u get for using a crappy HTC desire C n pics were taken at 12.52 lol..clean ur metadata next get location info was stamped so ur fine


Well-Known Member
Haha, that's what u get for using a crappy HTC desire C n pics were taken at 12.52 lol..clean ur metadata next get location info was stamped so ur fine
Aren't u a nosey fucker lol,,,, what u up to today relax, just finished work mesel, time for a shit and a j


Well-Known Member
Lool, just looking out for Irish are a caring bunch of lads. Erm isn't the idea to buy em when they're low lol one of the vendors was on about em dropping alright must be a ball ache..why don't u ask that vendor to sell u coins? fuck all mate in bed watching top gear #thuglife


Well-Known Member
Lool, just looking out for Irish are a caring bunch of lads. Erm isn't the idea to buy em when they're low lol one of the vendors was on about em dropping alright must be a ball ache..why don't u ask that vendor to sell u coins? fuck all mate in bed watching top gear #thuglife
In bed ye lazy cunt lol, aye the price of coins doesn't really effect is anyway, whatever I buy will be spent within the hour lol


Well-Known Member
In my defence the telly is at the end of the bed lol I've gotten up, wat up at 7 just got everything done n I'm totally sober so not pleased there but sure I'll soldier on


Well-Known Member
Well I just flipped my shiz into flower 2day, the original psy and zlh are about a foot and a half tall now, the other cuts I took arent far off a foot, not expecting any monsters with these but will still do me nicely,


Well-Known Member
cant beat cash in the post but im an ol cunt, fuk speculating on btc price atm lol
Tell me this m8, wht size of buds u gettin on ur psycho compared to the lemon? My psycho buds don't look as big as usuall but the lemons are huge, thinkin maybe the thrips stressed it a bit or it's just the lemons so big it's making the psychosis look small lol


Well-Known Member
that lemon is a gem big waxy dences as fuk nugs everywhere with a stone and a flav to kill for....ha ha that's the zlh