The UK Growers Thread!

I've clones well rooted for next run, I done 9 zlh and 9 psycho. Only need 9 clones tho, anyway I was goina do 6zlh and 3psycho, more zlh for the yeild.........problem is I don't know which 9 are zlh and which 9 are psycho lol. Can't really tell yet, I have an idea but need to be 100%. Goina have to leave them in the cloner for a bit longer until I can tell.....bastard!
Just got in from work/pub feel fuked man had to get a .5 of flake to wake me up haha so he says......just had a gander at the veggers and Yeh they loving the 600 loads of new growth thicker stems......10x quicker growth than that cfl I had I mean a cfl about keeps em alive with minimal new growth and weak skinny stems feels sooooo good to have 2 tents running a 600 in each.....there's only one man to thank for all that and thats U ghb you fuckin diamond sorted me out with everything near enough even a free half oz of 4 diff types of blue pit....I mean who does that nowerdays??? Ghb that's who lol u babyfaced funny accent fucker (don't wanna give it away lolol) youl have to send me an Addy man tbru mail....I'll sort u some exo out man or in a couple of weeks I'll dish you some hash out?? And don't say no!!!! Like u did last time.....I owe u man big gimme an Addy so I can sort you back out geeeeeeeeza its only fair :)
I'm not gonna lie I was preparing me and the Mrs for some kind of showdown for some reason para got the better of me lol especially where I had to meet him lolol thought in was gonna get carried off or something lmao......but ghb couldn't of been a nicer bloke proper top man.....proper skin!!!