The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
i got fm2015 today gboy, its feels different i like it but i dont like how much they changed where everything is, 2014 u still carnt get in torrent well not one that works anyway, so wasnt gonna bother with 2015 n just brought it.
I never did get fm14 m8, gonna wait a month and see if I can get a toreent for fm15 if not I'll buy it at xmas, just grudge paying for it lol


Well-Known Member
I never did get fm14 m8, gonna wait a month and see if I can get a toreent for fm15 if not I'll buy it at xmas, just grudge paying for it lol
same here gboy, i never played 2014 and still no working torrents its the only game i ever brought and it kills me but i been playing it since 92-93 season! cantona at man u and lee chapman at leeds, think even gorden strachen was still playing lol

35quid it fucking was n all, shamefull i no that i paid that but i love fm aka championship manager.

this new one they changed up quite a bit tho, still the best game ever made lol


Well-Known Member
Never got into the soccer games...fuck that for a buzz when you've games like cod,halo n quake..those are good games. I've still not brought myself to sell any of my green haha thinking of only selling 10 making 500 then getting 500 worth of d10s sell em off @ 3e a pop n keep all my smoke to myself


Well-Known Member
he works for a living remeber laxx? some ppl work so hard they get in from work have a shit shower and tea then it's bed.

we aren't all as tight as you ;)


Well-Known Member
took the kids n ex bowling earlier n for some grub, i havent been bowling in 10+ years was good fun tho and the kids get them things to roll the bowl off and the sides come up so they loved it and kept getting strikes, i was total shit at it, scored i think 38 over the game n the kids where in the 90s lol


Well-Known Member
My 2 zlh and 2 psychosis

Can seem to stop the yellowing on the psy, ive upped the nutes but still dropping leaves daily, now the smaller zlh is doing the same, fuck knows whats wrong but they are still filling out nicely, now on day 38,

foto_no_exif (53).jpg foto_no_exif (54).jpg foto_no_exif (55).jpg foto_no_exif (56).jpg


Well-Known Member
u do it quite often tho gboy i noticed ya grows sometimes can look abit ropey at the start then come harvest they look banging! pyscho is a very heavy feeder same as exo mate, dunno bout the zlh never smoked or grown it.


Well-Known Member
Yeah I know it will be all good just annoys me that they look so bad, but I suppose as long as I get a decent yields and smoke at the end who cares,
the psycho seems to be a heavier feeder than the exo, thats it on what the exo needed to stay nice and green but I think it needs almost double that, the zlh im not sure about cos the big one is fine but the smaller one is yellowing with a lot of pinkish colour on the underside of leaves and through the buds.


Well-Known Member
think that pinkish color is a sign of deficency isnt it? not shore tho mate.

exo and pyscho i think your be hardpressed to overfed either lol they are hungry bitch'es lol