The UK Growers Thread!

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
Fuck me n I fort I chatted some shit....snake oil looool try a run with sulicon added then one without.....

Peeps love spending hundreds on food....cause it works especially advanced nutes....try before u chat shit
You do chat shit.

1) liquid silica isn't a nutrient in the usual terms.

2) 90% of Advanced Nutrients line-up base is made from the same 2 industrial fertiliser salts, "Mono-Potassium Phosphate" and "Potassium Sulphate", this information is confirmed by the guaranteed analysis/ingredients label on their products and also displayed by each product listing on their website.

Most synthetic commercial fertilisers (for cannabis) consist of mainly these 2 salts.

500g tubs that will last through 100's of plants can be had on eBay for £7-£9.
I've been using the same 2 tubs on and off for the last 4 years.

Armed with this knowledge and the ability to read and understand N-P-K values on a label alongside understanding cannabis nutritional needs one can get exceptional results from a cheapo £3.50 bottle of Aldi vegetable feed compared to high priced and heavily marketed cannabis specific nutes, which as shown are usually made from the same or similar salts.

Basic elemental nutrition, it's as simple as it gets.
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Well-Known Member
You do chat shit.

1) liquid silica isn't a nutrient in the usual terms.

2) 90% of Advanced Nutrients line-up base is made from the same 2 industrial fertiliser salts, "Mono-Potassium Phosphate" and "Potassium Sulphate", this information is confirmed by the guaranteed analysis/ingredients label on their products and also displayed by each product listing on their website.

Most synthetic commercial fertilisers (for cannabis) consist of mainly these 2 salts.

500g tubs that will last through 100's of plants can be had on eBay for £7-£9.
I've been using the same 2 tubs on and off for the last 4 years.

Armed with this knowledge and the ability to read and understand N-P-K values on a label alongside understanding cannabis nutritional needs one can get exceptional results from a cheapo bottle of Aldi vegetable feed compared to high priced and heavily marketed cannabis specific nutes, which as shown are usually made from the same or similar salts.

Basic elemental nutrition, it's as simple as it gets.
Way I see it is if you can afford n want to spend then fine tune Ur skills accordingly u pick a nutrient base and additives that suit u. If u can or just don't want n want the challenge of taking longer to adapt to Ur regime because Ur trying Ur own equations on products without much guide on our plants in particular then that's a growers choice. Whatever brings the best outcome for u is the idea


Well-Known Member
This is my main man, taught me most of what I know today about writing. The longest and most respected rapper north of the border, this guy is know all over scotland and has worked with many established artists, here is a tune off his newest album, which is pretty politically motivated.


Well-Known Member
just got the biobizz line and some allmix, we'll see about that.
on the fifth run in the same coco and one of my big plants aint happy, think the coco has finally reached saturation point in regards to calcium, who knows though?. and it aint the snake oils relax you cunt! :P

after this run i'll try a soil grow with some smaller sized plants, just need to get rid of these big fuckoff beds of coco

you always grown em nice g, but your deffo one mad fucker with that music lol and the way you go fast with the cam at the end lmao


u fucker, but i did lol hard when i see that post, deffo wasnt me that one lol i was talking to the ex and saying i wana go to a certain all u can eat resturant in london whilst im down visiting family, the bitch then went on to tell me id been with her n all me family a few months ago and was so smashed that id eaten 7plates of food was covered in shit id dropped over meself barely made it back to the car and gone to sleep, still carnt remember doing it but me family have confirmed, drugs are bad.


this is a lovely strain of lemon you got there honestly, isnt the las one but is some really nice weed rock solid buds at 9wk like that! yes please, has the stink and alot of flavour im impressed, could always be hit or miss with chedz lol


Well-Known Member
teehee you naughty boys. smoking a nice exo today, 230 a go but the best exo i've had in ages, nice colour to it