The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
Morning lads, well im up early and heading out to smash fuck outta a cunt
so the wife took a half day off work last week due to hurting her back moving pallets in work since then she has been put on the sick for this week as she has twisted her spine slightly, well her dickhead of a boss has decided to dock her the full weeks wages that she actually wprked for last week rather than just taking the half day she was off, so im heading to her work to get her wages in cash or tale the fuckers head off.
cunt making a woman a slave for a week, kick him in the nuts from me


Well-Known Member
cunt making a woman a slave for a week, kick him in the nuts from me
Lol I will mate, its a small hisband and wife run company and I know they have enough cash on the premises, shes only owed 270 quid but its the principle that she worked for it and just because shes been signed off for a week he thinks its acceptable to withold wages from hours that she did work, im in a right bad mood today so the cunt better not start any bullshit or I'll end up in the cells by lunch time


Well-Known Member
ah right just really cold here. just phoned game up to see how much they would give me for drive club that is still sealed and he said £15 i said wtf ur selling if for £50 he said but yours is 2nd hand i said mate its still fucking sealed he said sorry its 2nd hand and put phone down the spotty little cunt


Well-Known Member
ah right just really cold here. just phoned game up to see how much they would give me for drive club that is still sealed and he said £15 i said wtf ur selling if for £50 he said but yours is 2nd hand i said mate its still fucking sealed he said sorry its 2nd hand and put phone down the spotty little cunt
Wait till after crimbo and say 1 the kids got it as a pressie but already had it ..


Well-Known Member
Well that was easy, went dowm and told the cunt either he paid her or I was taking it from his stock and id be taking a little extra for compo, the fucker shat himself and bank transfered her wages straight away in front of me lmao, I hate pussy cunts like that who think ots ok to take the piss wit women but panic if another bloke says anythi g to them


Well-Known Member
Let's see this in a larger context: the modern world is not dedicated to realizing the intentions of the mysterious Force that created the universe. It is not based on discerning the inherent natural and moral laws that ensure our healthy development. Rather modern society is dedicated to fulfilling the greed of a tiny cabal of psychopaths - See more at:,
Henry Makow yo


Well-Known Member
well i've been for a spoons brekkie, put up the office xmas tree and decs and were now working through a bottle of remy VSOP with a crimbo music compilation on. I reckon there'll be snow by 5pm but it'll but going upwards not falling down...
Sounds like my kinda job don ha