The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
How's the smoke actually? Jaysus ud be in bits after a nights drinking n out with the vape.
Me and a mate wer left sitin up at 7 hittin it so i had bout 3 and half hrs sleep still a bit drunk ha .... fckn heartburn like a cunt ... but yea man that smoke is fckn tasty and for around 50 yoyos cant go wrong at all


Well-Known Member
Fucking anyone see that coralreefer chick? She's a Facebook page I'd seen suggested.. What a load of shit, just an average blond that gets loads of free pot and pot related shit n gets cools pot competition invites (to smoke I'm assuming since she doesn't talk about growing just promotes rigs n shit...she's basically whoring herself) n shit all because she's mildly attractive n has a youtube channel (not even bothered watching it to tell u the truth) that I'm only gonna assume is her wearing yet another tie dyed shirt telling everyone how nobody understands her and how daddy neglected her.. haha convinced myself to watch her vids with that little rant.


Well-Known Member
while men have balls the women will always have the power.

there are a million talentless trouts out there who have huge followings but offer no real content, they just smoke a bowl then talk shit for five minutes but always have a load of virgins telling them how hot they are and it encourages them further.

never, ever give a woman a compliment. tell them they are fat and look like shit, then you will have the power over them.


Well-Known Member
She's a fucking website and yes she's also wearing the Said tye dyed shirt lol fuckin mug... My missus is was better looking imma get ger a youtube channel where she does the same but also teaches you German...n I smoke all the pot


Well-Known Member
She's a fucking website and yes she's also wearing the Said tye dyed shirt lol fuckin mug... My missus is was better looking imma get ger a youtube channel where she does the same but also teaches you German...n I smoke all the pot
Il watch this man ha :) ..


Well-Known Member
Definitely check out her website for the lulz. Her strain section is pics of strains she's smoked then the strain ground up then some shitty write up like with acapulco gold she says something like this is the strain my parents smoked or would of smoked n links wiki or some she lol she says nothing else tbh not even flavours just a few pics n small write up


Well-Known Member
it's what the people want though eh? it's the reason i hate the human race and wish nuclear war would hurry up and wipe us all out.


Well-Known Member
In all honesty shit like this is infuriating but it's the world we live in...u laugh or u cry haha

in a way my unemployment is a form of protest against everything the machine stands for... That and at this stage my social skills have retrogressed to a socially inept neanderthal that probably wouldn't be able to string a coherent sentencetogether let along blag an interview..example "so Mr relax, how do u expect to manage anything when u can't even button up that shirt correctly"me" I give the orders around here " lol... I need to get out lol


Well-Known Member
ah well, i suppose i have things to do other than sit around in my pyjamas lol. haven't had a hair cut in about tow months so that is top priority of the day, could do with some crimbo shopping but fuck that.

have a nice weekend


Well-Known Member
Putting a bit of winter timber on ay lol I could do with some I'm sat in the shed now shaking like a shitting jack Russell one of skinny little fuckers