The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
The ladies are lookin sexy as getting bigger by the day now still got these fucking gnats tho propa doin me head in but I've about given up with em now


Well-Known Member
Have u done any research what so every? We've even picked ur adapter for u now u wanna know what to grow?
well i have everything ready to start my first grow , Im going to be growing in a 80x80x160 tent , just wondering what i should grow tbh , Should i grow autoflowering strain ? how many plants could i fit in my area kinda lost on this part


Well-Known Member
Morning lads, having a nice wake and bake with some champagne hash I brought home with me from the dam, then gotta hit the shops this afternoon to get the last of the kids xmas stuff,


Well-Known Member
Fair fucks Gary, gf wants nothing now so that's what she's getting. Her bday imma start getting her that lazor hair removal treatment she wants...costs 200e a go ten goes.. Madness but that's me sorted for the next ten bdays or 5 n 5 xmasses lol


Well-Known Member
He's a one dimensional actor...he basically plays himself, that's not talent.lock stock is a guy Richie flick, he made that film good not vinnie...thought mean machine was shite but I can see the appeal.


Well-Known Member
Tbh I'd rather if he stayed in the back seat n didn't talk. Ideal role for vinnie is either dead goon or goon that doesn't talk


Well-Known Member
yorkie i'm in york with the mrs at the weekend i was wondering if you knew any decent bars in or near the city walls? cocktails and that fancy shiz you know the deal


Well-Known Member
Cocktails, weekends away n fancy eat holes a are a far cry from my days of courting. Back then a 2ltr bottle of cider got u under the top n a bottle of Buckfast got u well anything lol