The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
man I love the first 2 oz of psycho but then its getting heavy with no relief and it feels like a grind dusnt matter if its living organics or minerals its a fuking psychotic weed no doubt and I was the biggest doubter


Well-Known Member
i was just about to add to that post the this will get a post from mg lmao

seriously tho mate my mind carnt handle the pyscho for 2 long after a few oz of heavy smoking it im not right in the head lol
U ain't right at the best of times m8 lol. Aye it's strong gear but I work a lot too and don't smoke at work, sittin blazing psychosis all day I'd get fuckall done lol


Well-Known Member
cant trade shit on here in public these days, lol not like it was, admin are keen to milk the flow but are chicken shit when it comes fear of the feds, so y set up a with the fact that we don't just grow the fuking stuff...that would be pointless


Well-Known Member
your not another cunt bak with a new name who owes me P are you? :/

witch establishment was u vactioning at? i personally liked durham and lincoln. holme house wouldnt accept me the CUNTS! so went to everthorpe, actualy that was orte too, in my top 3 jails o see before u die for sure.
hulls ok ish but mingin, armly just suks ass,
i do enjoy the drives to certain jails to
1 im not back with a new name im the same username ive always had and i ended up at moorlands but mad how you say holme house as i started my sentence there and believe it or not the food at holme house was quite good for jail out side catering fried breakfasts too :P why wouldnt they except u when holme house has a lifers wing ? anyway moorlands is a shit pit glad to be out and back on the farming :D


Well-Known Member
would love a decent lemon momma to smash her out where would anyone recomend for lemon also did ask earlier but no response
anyone familiar with dinafem cheese or gh ssh
if so any advice on final product should i run a side by side or should i go all out on one ?
cant make my mind up ....


Well-Known Member
still alive just not been on much as the plants are canny shite, new year new start a think that perpetual seemed more then it was worth haha........
also anyone no what people put in amphet to make it hard and not paste???
any help would be wonderfull


Well-Known Member
take the water out of it maybe.
i could be talking shit because i've never made it but usually if something is sloppy and pasty you apply slow steady heat or a dehumidified atmosphere and it will dry out, again i'm not the man to be asking but i feel in a helpful mood cause i had me hole last night and this morning.



Well-Known Member
would love a decent lemon momma to smash her out where would anyone recomend for lemon also did ask earlier but no response
anyone familiar with dinafem cheese or gh ssh
if so any advice on final product should i run a side by side or should i go all out on one ?
cant make my mind up ....

grown 5 ssh from greenhouse and it was utter shite, grown a few by dinafem and they were equally gash but did yield well, not done the cheese but why would anybody buy cheese genetics in seed form. if you don't know anybody with a decent cheese cutting what are you even growing for?


Well-Known Member
Ur gonna lose most ur speed...FYI don't buy paste speed again lol shits like buying wet weed haha. I use to spread it on a plate at room temp (point a fan at it if ur in a hurry) n leave it slowly evaporate.. Don't microwave it or some shit like that lol
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