The UK Growers Thread!


So lambo ur sum fckn man didn grow back in september but now u cant use ur coco cause ur 4 crops in ha go fck urself some smell a bullshit in here ha ha :)

Normal paranoia... I see a few smart cuntz on these forums and to be fair I thought this was a bit better... But I just wonder how many proper lads read some of your comments and think "Fck me what an absolute dick cheese this guy is..." I imagine quite a few little man. Do comments like that make you feel a bit special kid eh... Your some fckn man, wot wi da noobs avin da handle da cuntz, go fck yerself bullshit... blah fckin blah. Well let me tell yer lad if you can't read between the lines after reading all my 5 - 6 posts since that you're a thick cunt... so stick that in yer furry little green arseole big man an if yer ever over Yorkshire look me up and we can see who's got da biggist shit lemon soma shit this summer cos you are da man bro... you da fckin maaaaaan! Or I can just pick you up by the nostrils and stuff my old coco in yer mouth x


Well-Known Member
ha ha lambo nice post man real angry sounding like it, yaeh irish thought it was odd but im a bit stoned so who knows/cares, and yes R glad its all over but I did like the turkey this year, cut the legs off boned em and wrapped em...kinda pulled turkey lol


Well-Known Member
roasting a chicken atm made some herby stuffing roast tat and parsnips braised kale and im marvin, mrs has a cheeky bottle of red for me I know it


Well-Known Member
roasting a chicken atm made some herby stuffing roast tat and parsnips braised kale and im marvin, mrs has a cheeky bottle of red for me I know it
Missis is makin lasagne tnite man but i tink a bottle of red could go dwn well wit it ha :)


Well-Known Member
Lmao GHB, go take ya bro for a shag ya tight git . Mahoosive roots in the alien !, there going like the clappers ! Stand still long enough & I'm sure u can see em growing ! & I'm not even lieing . Don't like the res change though !, took me a fekin age .


Well-Known Member
Once u get an idea of wht they use only fill the res with what u think they'll use in about a week, they'll soon be drinkin it all in a week anyway, mine do in the wilma
I get ya H, trouble is when they flood , there's only about a quarter left in res, so I have to fill nearly all of it m8. There growing like banshees now after 2 weeks in there .


Well-Known Member
I get ya H, trouble is when they flood , there's only about a quarter left in res, so I have to fill nearly all of it m8. There growing like banshees now after 2 weeks in there .
Oh aye I know what u mean now m8, mines just a drip feed so it's different. How'd u empty it? I use a water pump in mine with a hose connected to the bath lol, it's a fuckin ballache tho

Heavy Consumer

Well-Known Member
Lmao GHB, go take ya bro for a shag ya tight git . Mahoosive roots in the alien !, there going like the clappers ! Stand still long enough & I'm sure u can see em growing ! & I'm not even lieing . Don't like the res change though !, took me a fekin age .
Hi man, I'm looking for a bit of info on Alien systems. Which one you got? Had it long? Any pro's, cons, issues you don't mind sharing would be appreciated big time. I'm a noob and looking at either the 8 pot XL F+D, the 8 pot RDWC or the 8 pot XL RDWC (Would love a pro system, but waaay too much cash for me as I don't yet know my arse from my elbow). Bit worried that I'll fuck up RDWC as a noob, but they're telling me flood and drain (what I originally fancied) is high risk in a power cut. Not lived in the UK lately, but don't remember getting many power cuts!!!! Do you reckon F+D would need a chiller too? I see how important it must be with RDWC as the roots are submerged 24/7, just not sure about how necessary it would be in F+D.

Sorry to pounce on you with all these Q's. Hope you don't mind. (fucking noobs huh!) :???: