The UK Growers Thread!

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
That looks mint sambo. I've been thinking about building one of those for a while, although i'd just thought about the 1 screen :D i'm in the slow process of getting a workshed up and running as i've various woodwork projects i need to get done for work, might be time to see if i can source some of that mesh stuff.


Well-Known Member
That looks mint sambo. I've been thinking about building one of those for a while, although i'd just thought about the 1 screen :D i'm in the slow process of getting a workshed up and running as i've various woodwork projects i need to get done for work, might be time to see if i can source some of that mesh stuff.
theres a few sites that are selling it ttt heres the 1st i found you could make it pretty easy tho m8 im just crap at making anything.


Well-Known Member
Anyone ever had any dealing with one of these out of interest? looking at getting a cloner and this is the only 1 in my budget range for the next few months

X-Stream 12 Propagator prop.jpg


Active Member
I have been using the 36 site one on chesiel and had roots starting within a week. Id recommend puting a heater in if your temps drop low at night. And as soon as your first roots appear hit it with a low dose of nutes and slowly open up the holes and get the lid off. This encourages the roots to establish quicker. The cuttings were good to go in like 10 days.


Well-Known Member
I have been using the 36 site one on chesiel and had roots starting within a week. Id recommend puting a heater in if your temps drop low at night. And as soon as your first roots appear hit it with a low dose of nutes and slowly open up the holes and get the lid off. This encourages the roots to establish quicker. The cuttings were good to go in like 10 days.
brilliant, looks like thats the one for me then, and its only £40 so even better

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Trying to convince myself to harvest a plant, wish it would jsut dissapear tbh. It's been sat in an empty tote dying over the past week, all bright yellow and cirspy, fuck it i say


Well-Known Member
well just to say that the bit of gh cheese i saved from bud rot is a very fine smoke indeed, dont know bout flavours but its smooth and packs a fair old punch, shame i didnt have more, ah well.


Well-Known Member
id love to but just cant afford it atm, might buy the unheated one and then when ive got a bit more money upgrade to a heated one, how bout you? heated or unheated for you?
think i will go for heated even if it means waiting a while. im liking seeds cause im trying lots of strains. but clones are good to, hmmmm i wonder wich ones better, only one way to find out.......fight fight much harry hill


Well-Known Member
think i will go for heated even if it means waiting a while. im liking seeds cause im trying lots of strains. but clones are good to, hmmmm i wonder wich ones better, only one way to find out.......fight fight much harry hill
well you go for the heated one, ill get the un-heated one and we can do a bit of comparison over the next few months if ya like?


Well-Known Member
cool man , take in to account im crap at cuttings......
mate, you could be retarded, blind in one eye with a dodgy leg and you would still be better at it than me lol, to be fair though think a lot of the hassles im having is where the loft is so cold lol

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Tiny little heated propogater is all you need for cloning. I've got various bubble cloners that i've made, which are certainly convenient, but the propogator is ust so easy, chuck a bit of water in every couple of days and the clones just smile. Im having issues with seeds myself, they just ent working, none of em. Wasted near £50 of seeds in a row now. Gonna go and buy a big bag of soil and just chuck em in 10L pots, worked for my first time so should work now. Pissing me the fuck off though!!!!

I got arround to harvesting my plant. Too much to handle with this hangover, so it kinda became hash day.

Scrog kinda fell over to some extent when i took it out of the cupboard

As i say, i gave up giving a damn about her :D

Kept and trimmed the big nugs

And hashified the rest of the plant, that makes the 5th lot like this to go in the freezer, come on bubblebags! :)

And sambo, i ent no DIY guru, but it tends to work out :lol: i think i amw hat they would call in the trade, a cowboy.

If that piece of wood fails me, i have 40L+ of red water flooding out into my bedroom :lol: