The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
I know what u mean mate I prefer green to all else for buzz, but this shatter dubs did from my trim was fukin ridiculous I was all over the shop getting attacked by chickens and losing my memory lol and I like a smoke, but the alky/weed combo is where is at and u need good green for it imo
i dont doubt it mate, dubs seems to know his stuff and that shatter is spose from to be some seriously strong shit from what ive read n seen on the net, and i get that people who are really into there smoke are on these extracts n dabs etc n smoking variety just i dont smoke everyday n to me stoned is stoned, that dribbling wreck stoned ive got too a few times from making butter n cakes and its not for me lolol[/QUOTE]
u prefer the dribbling wreck from benzos lol?


Well-Known Member
abe the exos are best grown small, I was given this advice by newuserlol and its right on, evry one whose tried scrog or big veg has fucked up, im growin 16 in a sq metre within a 1.2 tent in 6,5 pots vegged to 9 inches and they are banging under a single 600 aircooled no glass


Well-Known Member
abe the exos are best grown small, I was given this advice by newuserlol and its right on, evry one whose tried scrog or big veg has fucked up, im growin 16 in a sq metre within a 1.2 tent in 6,5 pots vegged to 9 inches and they are banging under a single 600 aircooled no glass
Come on zeddd, it's not often I ask but we want some fucking pics


Well-Known Member
ok man I get an sd card and send it to the cleaners but ffs its easy to imagine if ya grow exo with pyramid buds at 3 weeks lol yano


Well-Known Member
ok man I get an sd card and send it to the cleaners but ffs its easy to imagine if ya grow exo with pyramid buds at 3 weeks lol yano
Well if it's that much bother never worry ffs lol. Just wanna see how it looks m8, ain't no chance of me goin sog anyway, I'd have to go soil or coco. Can only fit 9 in a 1.5m tent with the systems I got. Would love to give soil a go, and sog instead of trees....but hey it works!


Well-Known Member
have you got a proper dabbing rig? when i made bho it lasted forever cause i had no proper way to smoke it.

my mate is casing me to make some moon rocks, proper nigger shit but i'll probably end up indulging him just for giggles.


Well-Known Member
Are you vac purging as well Ghettogrower? If not, I highly recommend you get the equipment.

I was amazed how much butane still comes out when you vac your extract....quite scary actually, stuff keeps popping after 24 hours. I reckon at least 30 hours vac purge or more is requred. My Italian mate reckons at least 5 days in the vac chamber (not sure about that!).


Well-Known Member
No I haven't GB seen one on eBay for £30 so might go for that. I put a little bit in a joint last night and went strait to bed after lol DST I ain't got a vac gonna get 1 for next time tho I couldn't afford one this time round next crop I'll buy one...Yeh some folk say a few hour some a few days tbh I think its all in the material your using but Yeh on deffo gonna get a chamber and that gotta have things done right


Well-Known Member
No I haven't GB seen one on eBay for £30 so might go for that. I put a little bit in a joint last night and went strait to bed after lol DST I ain't got a vac gonna get 1 for next time tho I couldn't afford one this time round next crop I'll buy one...Yeh some folk say a few hour some a few days tbh I think its all in the material your using but Yeh on deffo gonna get a chamber and that gotta have things done right
wait u smoking that without being purged? u fucking right in the head?
also u aint getting a decent cfm pump for 30 dab mate... u need a cfm 2-4 and u aint paing 30 qwid for one.seriously

and u NEVER EVER EVER EVER smoke that shit without purging it for DAYS mate. its not hours or day or upto u. thers a propper time for amount of material u shoul be using

we ran 5 ounce of trim and it took nr 2 weeks and that was mainly vaccing. DAYS and the pumps are soooo noisey u will soon see WHY not many people do it, they are noisey as fuk

so u need a propper vaccum chmaber and CFM pump

just saying shawn u gotta be real careful with this shit and ur one of these ahh itel be right inda guys.

u shouldnt be smoking that shit wthout being vacced for a few days and did u get 10.2g?


Well-Known Member
There's a debate whether u actually need a vac chamber to fully purge I've seen loads of videos and read how to's on purging and there's huge debate over the vac purge way this bloke put it sounded about right he said its like digging a hole u can use a shovel or a big digger your gonna get the same results just ones quicker and easier but costs a shit load where the others cheap but harder work lol....and it varies on material how quick it finishes not all trim/bud is the same it all runs that little bit different same with any hash making...I'm gonna get a vac at some point to make life easier but I'm not sure its a must? And Yeh I got 10.2 g I weighed it when it was clear and more of shatter and it weighed 11g bang on maybe i could purge it for longer but once I hit the crumble texture in was pretty satisfied all the tane had gone


Well-Known Member
So what's everyone up to then I've just been boasting on cod for a bit tearing shit up lol can't stand all this exo movement bollocks tho load of shit at least they got classic TDM