The UK Growers Thread!

Hi all, new UK grower here.
Just lost 2 hours reading through god knows how many pages of this thread.

I absolutely love TTT's posts about law and the legalities, your theory's are really interesting.

I am a little paranoid/worried about growing, mainly because of the upset it would cause my other half who I live with and because I dont know exactly what to expect should I get caught. I am only growing two plants, while I currently have 5 I will only be keeping the best two once my cab is ready and only growing two at a time from now onwards.

I realize the police have a job to do and would not turn a blind eye should they be informed of what I am doing (i.e. landlords figure it out during one of our 6 month inspections and inform them). Although I do hold hope that such a small (and obviously personal grow) would be treated much like being caught on the street with an oz. Maybe a mediocre fine and all my equipment/plants/cab taken away along with a few hours in custody before being interviewed and cautioned? Does this seem like a reasonable expectation or does anyone have an informed opinion that differs?


Well-Known Member
Hi all, new UK grower here.
Just lost 2 hours reading through god knows how many pages of this thread.

I absolutely love TTT's posts about law and the legalities, your theory's are really interesting.

I am a little paranoid/worried about growing, mainly because of the upset it would cause my other half who I live with and because I dont know exactly what to expect should I get caught. I am only growing two plants, while I currently have 5 I will only be keeping the best two once my cab is ready and only growing two at a time from now onwards.

I realize the police have a job to do and would not turn a blind eye should they be informed of what I am doing (i.e. landlords figure it out during one of our 6 month inspections and inform them). Although I do hold hope that such a small (and obviously personal grow) would be treated much like being caught on the street with an oz. Maybe a mediocre fine and all my equipment/plants/cab taken away along with a few hours in custody before being interviewed and cautioned? Does this seem like a reasonable expectation or does anyone have an informed opinion that differs?
lol bro your good


Well-Known Member
well if it helps a lad in my town got busted a few weeks ago with 43 plants over 3ft in flower, 25 plants in veg and over 18oz of dried an cured in jars and he got.........................£250 fine and 65 hours community service n £60 court costs


Active Member
I dont 'like' that the lad got busted. I 'like' how your post made me feel better about my little percy grow :)


Well-Known Member
yeah i mean to be fair, unless you are a complete loudmouth that shows everyone an their nans your grow, keep your head down and your mouth shut and you will be fine.(out of interest ive been growing at my current location for over 2 years now and the back garden of the place backs onto the police station car park lol)


Well-Known Member
Hi all, new UK grower here.
Just lost 2 hours reading through god knows how many pages of this thread.

I absolutely love TTT's posts about law and the legalities, your theory's are really interesting.

I am a little paranoid/worried about growing, mainly because of the upset it would cause my other half who I live with and because I dont know exactly what to expect should I get caught. I am only growing two plants, while I currently have 5 I will only be keeping the best two once my cab is ready and only growing two at a time from now onward

I realize the police have a job to do and would not turn a blind eye should they be informed of what I am doing (i.e. landlords figure it out during one of our 6 month inspections and inform them). Although I do hold hope that such a small (and obviously personal grow) would be treated much like being caught on the street with an oz. Maybe a mediocre fine and all my equipment/plants/cab taken away along with a few hours in custody before being interviewed and cautioned? Does this seem like a reasonable expectation or does anyone have an informed opinion that differs?
we going to throw the book at you...................

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
I do indeed wish i'd bought em a while ago :D after the mixing, i had in 20 seconds what i would have waited almost 24 hours for with gumby being the 2 big dollops, and then i got some other grades as well so heh :) although i have learnt not to use too much water as once you get to the 20 micron bag it's a pain in the arse, just gonna get rid of it in future i think, the green gunk top of the pic is all that it yielded from both bags of trim that went in.

No scales but feels to be about 8g odd. Was frozen fresh so gonna let it sit around for a week or so. Also think i might use dry trim next time, wasn't entirely convinced i got all that i could have gotten. Early days :) i might actually start growing plants just for hash, doesn't matter about node spacing and light intensity and bud density etc when it's all goin in a bucket :)
lol thanks for the affirmation :)

The two plants will give me plenty of supplies until another two mature, at-least thats the idea.

My main reason for growing is like many others on here (that Ive read), dodgy, untrustworthy and con artist dealers. I love to smoke, I do not drink as I dont like the effect it has on me, weed is also the only thing that helps my parter when she is in chronic pain (back/spine mainly), she has a very bad case of fibromyalga (spelling?!), its a sub form of MS.

It angers me that such a versatile and effective (dont forget natural unlike the prescription drugs that are noneffective and very addictive/bad for you) pain re-leaf is seen as such a dangerous and fearful thing. But you all know this.

It is nice to see such a large group of UK RIU members.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Someone put it recently, that if we are not sovereign over our own conciousness, then we cannot meaningfully claim to be sovereign over anything.